
Defining Moments: Extra Credit Interdisciplinary Project

Interdisciplinary Project

With the intent of preserving the historical significance of the present for the future, this Interdisciplinary Project asks you to:

  • Part I: Document your defining moment
  • Part II: Document the defining moment of an ancestor.

By participating in this project, you will receive the following:

  • 10 points added to your Exam 1.
  • UTSA's Inquiry Badge (click here for more information)
  • Your submission will also be published and archived in the UTSA archival collections.
  • Your submission may be used by the English, Music, Dance, Art, and Architecture departments to create artistic representations of your experiences. This will be showcased both digitally and through a live exhibition.

Learn more about the Interdisciplinary Project here:

What to do:

Within the "Interdisciplinary Project" folder (found in the "Assignments and Extra Credit" section of our Blackboard course), complete the following steps:

  • Complete the required consent forms
  • Submit Part I and Part II of this extra credit opportunity into the padlet provided.

What is your Story?

Part I

You are living through History right now. The year 2020 was monumental and will have immense historical significance. 2021 has already proven to be equally significant.

Undoubtedly, this is a defining moment in your own life. Whether you are affected by the issues involving the pandemic, human rights, political, economic, social, global, or other personal circumstances - you are living during a unique time in history. This moment in time is complicated - document it so it can be preserved.

Your Critical Thinking #1 Assignment asked you to document your story by writing at least a 250 word entry (the more writing the better!) about how current events and recent personal circumstances have been a defining moment in your life. Or, you could write about a different defining moment in your life.

Part I of this Extra Credit Interdisciplinary Project asks you to upload your defining moment the padlet provided in our Blackboard course.

Include one photo or image that represents your experience.

What is the Story of Your Ancestor?

Part II

Just as you are in the midst of creating History, those who lived before you had defining moments as well.

You are a product of your own family history. Talk with an elder about the most defining moment in their life or the life of one of their ancestors. (This can be a parent, aunt or uncle, grandparent, great-grandparent, community member, etc.) What do you learn from this story? Are there any connections between your defining moment and theirs?

Do not let this story be lost in time. Document it by adding a 250 word entry (the more writing the better!) about the defining moment of any ancestor.

Include one photo that you are willing to share.

Remember, this project will be archived at the University, so please make it a meaningful submission. There is no limit to your writing.

Created By
Jodi Peterson


Created with images by The New York Public Library - "1914-1918 Heavy German mortars, through which the forts of Przemysl were bombarded." • geralt - "faces social play" • Brad Neathery - "Heart on Paper" • The New York Public Library - "Jay Street, No. 115, Brooklyn."

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