Seals Dezi willette

My class is studying animals. My group read about seals. Seals live in a ocean habitat. We learned a lot about seals. My report will tell you about what they look like and what they eat. It will also tell you about their young and some interesting facts that have learned about seals. I hope you like my report.

This seal is cute!

Seals are very interesting looking. First, seals have a lot of blubber to keep them warm. Next, seals have ear holes. Third, seals have long whiskers on their faces. I think seal are very cute.

This seals are wrestling

Seals eat many kinds of foods. First, seals eat fish and squid. Second, seals eat octopus. Third, they also eat shellfish. Seals eat all kinds of seafood.

This seal is eating fish

Seals look like their parents. First , seals babies are called pups. Second, they are born with a yellow white fur. Third, baby seals stay on land for about a month. Baby seals look fluffy.

This is a baby seal

I learned many interesting things about seals First, seals don’t have external ear flaps, Second,they have a small ear opening, Third the pups are usually born on land. Seals are interesting animals.

I learned many thing about seals. I learned that they have ear holes and their babies are called pups. Another thing I learned is that seals eat fish and squid. Seals are my favorite animals!

Created with images by 1000zen - "Zeehond baby" • FraukeFeind - "seal phoca vitulina robbe" • tpsdave - "sea lion beach sand" • Callum.H - "Seal 150312 (WB600) (32)" • Wrinklie One - "Baby Seal" • tara m ♥ - "Seal"

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