Home learning is an incredibly valuable opportunity for learning beyond the classroom, which can support and extend the learning that takes place at school. As a school, we are proud and appreciative of the support of work that takes place at home and we aim to be as supportive and helpful as possible. Therefore, we wanted to share, once again, links to useful resources and online platforms, which you may find beneficial to use at home.
These online platforms include: TT Rockstars (for times table practice), Oxford Owl (for reading e-books), Numbots (for number games) and Google Classroom for learning linked to the curriculum.
If you would like a reminder of your child's login details for any of these platforms, please click the button below and complete the Google Form. A member of staff will then contact you with the information you need.
As you know, our homework menus are released every half term and contain fun and exciting tasks for your child to complete at home. The idea behind the menu is that children can select one task, of their choice, each week to complete at home, which they can share with their teacher.
A quick way to access the homework menus is via our school website, under 'Classes'.
High Frequency Word Spellings, Times Tables and Number Bonds
In order to support with core skills such as spellings, times tables, number bonds and reading fluency we have also posted a PDF, which contains a pack of resources on the 'Classes' page of the website. To access this, click the link below, locate your child's year group and scroll through the PDF to locate the resource you would like to refer to.
Please note that these resources are available to use if you choose to complete additional work at home on core skills.
Reading at Home
At Briar Hill Primary School, we expect all children to read at home five times per week for 20 minutes. Reading is promoted in a number of ways, including reading for pleasure sessions, class novel time and the DRET Reads reading for pleasure challenge.
Readings books are sent out on a Friday and are to be returned on Thursday. We expect that all home reading is recorded within your child's reading log, this allows us to monitor reading at home and also helps to decide which class wins our weekly reading competition 'Reading Rocks'.
Links to Online Learning Platforms
Below is a list of useful online learning platforms, which you can access at home. Each button will take you directly to each platform, ready for you to login.
As always, if you would like any support with home learning, please do contact your child's class teacher.