
MBriefs Byte Sized Benefits | JUNE 2022 Edition

Start Something Fresh This Summer!

We have taken a good look at our MBriefs in the mirror and decided to put this newsletter on a summer diet. Our intent is for small 'bytes' of innovative information to keep you in the know and approach business, specifically your benefits, in a new way. We’ve put on a few too many 'bytes'. The diet starts today with a fresh look at some exciting employee benefits.

Rumor Has It…But Details to Come

Go Beyond the Numbers to Know Your People

2022 is the year to improve employee health! We suggest you start by shifting the employee benefits and ensure they meet your personnel’s needs. For a modern approach, it's recommended to add non-traditional data, like a feedback survey, with the claim history and prescriptions to give you a complete story. This is an excellent fresh start for employee retention and loyalty. Take a look at the article below.

The Real Stuff You Need to Know

Happy Employee = Successful Business

Happy employees are definitely vital for a successful business. The time and money it takes to bring on new employees is costly. In some industries, building loyalty with employees is difficult. People are leaving jobs, not because of the task or the management -- but because they can get a better benefits package elsewhere. As our “Consider This” article pointed out, if your numbers and history show depression and mental fatigue with your employee population, we’ve heard the “Word on the Street” and they have a few suggestions like a shortened work week and investing in a light box. Click the links below to learn more.

Created By
McGohan Brabender