Aristeus: the best
Aristaeus was the son of Apollo and mortal Cyrene. When he was born, he was raised by Hermes and made immortal by Gaia. He was then taught lots of useful arts by the Myrtle-nymphs that helped him become the god of bee-keeping, cattle, fruit trees, and hunting(Aristaeus).
I believe Aristaeus is a calm, peaceful, and loving guy. He cares about his bees and cattle and nature. To me, he is an outdoor spirit who loves connecting with nature and I think his traits really show that. He is the god of bees which means he must be at peace with them. He has to be able to be calm around them because of the mass amounts he is around. He is at peace with animals, I believe, because of what he was taught like "how to tame the Goddess's bees and keep them in hives, and how to tame the wild oleaster and make it bear olives"(Aristaeus). He needs all of these traits to be who he is, the god of bee-keeping and cattle.
I think my myth really pushes out a theme of nature. Like I said before, Aristaeus is really about the outside world and its environment. He was all about getting in touch with nature and that tells you a lot about the gods. They cared for the earth a lot and respected it. You don't even need to know about Aristaeus to know that. There are plenty of other gods who are involved with this earth and its qualities, but I think Aristaeus is a very important god because he is all about taming animals into peaceful creatures and using resources to help us use all of earth's offerings in a good and important way. The gods just wanted us to value this good earth and all of its gifts to us.
Aristaeus is the god who cared about nature the most.
"Aristaeus." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Oct. 2016. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.