Pentagames 2017
1st Place
Our 7th and 8th grade Sunridge team competed against 5 other teams across the region in a math competition comprised of 5 different activities. Our team took first place overall!
by: Film and Photography Students
Upcoming Events
May 3-5
ODS: Hill, Oja, Scanlan, Patterson
May 5
ODS Dance 6-8:00 pm $5
May 10
East Coast Tour Meeting for 2018 (next year 8th graders)
May 10-12
ODS: Schulze, Erwin, A. Nelson
May 17-19
ODS: Summerfield, Demianew, Barfuss, Donnelly, Leonard
May 24 & 25
6th graders to Tamastslikt
June 6
7th/8th Choir and Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm
June 7
Incoming 6th GradeParent Night 6:00 pm
June 8
7th/8th Band Concert 7:00 pm
June 9
6th End of Year Concert 9:00 am
June 14
8th grade PARTY! 6:00 – 800 pm
June 15
Last day of school
The Seven Project presents school assemblies that deal with real life and character issues faced by students. These programs include video segments, music, speaking, and strong calls to action.
Welcome to SafeOregon. Schools must be signed up for their students to use these services. It’s free for Oregon public schools pk-12. Check at your school to see if they are signed up and if not, lead them to to enroll and be part of the statewide school safety tip line.
All kids should feel safe at school and in their communities. SafeOregon gives kids, parents, schools and their communities a way to report safety threats or potential acts of violence. Together, we’ll empower people to speak out and spark change.
Mrs. Sou Mr. Gundlach's Film and Photography Students