"De Stemm" - Low German Radio "The voice" for people in Belize

"It is now three and a half months since we began broadcasting "De Stemm", Plautdietsch radio in Belize. We are thankful for God's faithfulness in this ministry, and for the progress that has been made." ~ Henry Redekopp, radio host / pastor
April 12, 2016 - Henry Redekopp goes on-air for the FIRST time as the voice of "De Stemm" in Shipyard, Belize

During these three months, we have faced significant technical struggles - learning to use the radio software, and operating the station from a distance and thereby relying heavily on internet. While this has been frustrating at times, we are thankful, blessed, and even amazed at how far we have come and how well things are going.

Henry interviewing youngsters. Tina never expected to be part of the on-air team, but is stepping into that role and is doing very well. Perhaps these youngsters are in training to become radio hosts!

We started out with a small selection of music and a couple of programs from Square One World Media, and have since almost doubled our music selection and have almost half of our airtime filled with programs. We also air a live morning show almost every day with a mixture of music and talk. Two nights per week, Henry and and wife Tina co-host a half hour music and talk show. 

Hilda Friesen is committed to translating resources into the Low German language. She has worked hard for over three years to complete translating the workbook series "Christus sien Lawen" into Plautdietsch. Her knowledge of the language and love for the people has been a huge blessing for the radio ministry. On July 26, she recorded 13 4-minute devotionals in Plautdietsch at the CFAM Radio studios in Altona, MB. These short programs will be used on-air in Belize.

The radio station is still in need of more music and local people who are willing to produce children's programs as well as other programs. If you are ever in the area and would like to stop in to join Henry on the morning show, they are always looking for people to fill that gap as well.

The new studio built by volunteers. Henry and his boys adjusting the receiver.

Until now, the radio ministry has been done from Henry and Tina's home in Shipyard. This is a constant hassle as they have to deal with dogs barking and roosters crowing in the background. They are in process of building a radio studio. They are thankful for the volunteers that have come to help with this project. The aim is to finish the building by the middle of August. They are looking forward to having a Grand Opening Celebration featuring Belizean singing talent.

The clip-clop of the horses, barking dogs, roosters and saw mills all contribute to the sounds in the community.

Thank you for standing with Henry and Tina Redekopp in prayer as they find their way in this ministry. Your prayer partnership in this ministry is vital.

May God continue to bless you as you seek and serve Him!

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