Kangaroo Kangaroo are endangered animals

The reason that the tree kangaroo are endangered because people keep hunting them and the tree that they live in are being cut down.
Another reason why the Kangaroo are endangered animals is because the clime changes
Kangaroo and Panda endangered animals. Kangaroo live in Australia and Panda live in China.
Kangaroos eat plants, nuts, berries and insect. Their favourite food is grass
Kangaroos live in Australia and the Indonesian island of New Guinea.
Kangaroo have a deep pouch on front to carry their baby and they are the largest of the marsupials animal. Kangaroos babies live in their mom pouch about 120-450 days.
kangaroo can run about 21-26 km/h (13-16 mph) but the speed can up to 71 km/h (44 mph).
Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "kangaroo marsupial tail" • anthonycramp - "Tree Kangaroo" • Kyle Taylor, Dream It. Do It. - "Pebbly Beach Kangaroos Australia - 100" • Marc_Smith - "Panda and Kangaroo transact" • Matlachu - "animal kangaroo food" • robstephaustralia - "Extra Extra happy kangaroo" • spaceodissey - "What's happening here?" • Flying Cloud - "Kangaroo"

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