
We met Tom!

This week in DT the children used a template to design their puppet, they then cut it out ready for next week when they will be pinning it onto fabric.

In Science we have continued looking at animal groups and the children did a great job naming different animals as well as grouping them. We then looked closely at the animals and compared what was the same and what was different. The children showed good observational skills and recorded their answers down.

I can’t believe it’s week 3 already, where has the time gone! This week we reflected on our time in Year 1 and discussed the things that we most enjoyed. The children drew lovely pictures to represent this.

We have now began our Mantle story and met Tom who is 80 and lives in Benwell. Tom loves to tell stories and the children enjoyed listening to what life was like when he was a little boy. We looked at a timeline and put the date on when he was born. The children looked at photo’s from this period and compared them to present day, looking at similarities and differences.

In RE we talked about what makes our world wonderful and the children enjoyed taking photos of this. I was really impressed how they looked carefully at their environment and could say why they took a particular photo.

Music was great fun and the children enjoyed playing a range of musical instruments. They were able to follow along with the beat and their singing was beautiful. 🎶