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Education Careers Newsletter - Fall 2022 PORTERVILLE COLLEGE


The Education Careers Program at Porterville College provides future educators with information and resources to succeed in their education at Porterville College and beyond. The services offered include counseling and advising, career path guidance, workshops, information sessions, university campus tours, and more! Keep up with our virtual newsletter for our latest events and for resources that benefit future educators.



- Definition -

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is a part of the K-12 public school system and is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program hat builds a bridge between the preschool years and traditional kindergarten. It uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is developmentally appropriate.

- Requirements -

A educator interested in teaching TK must hold one of the following credentials:

  • Multiple Subject Credentials (P, K-12 and adults):
  • Full Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential
  • University Intern
  • District Intern
  • General Education Limited Assignment Permit
  • Short-Term Staff Permit
  • Provisional Internship Permit
  • General Kindergarten - Primary (K-3)
  • General Elementary (K-8)
  • Standard Early Childhood (P-3)
  • Standard Elementary (K-9)
  • Specialist Instruction Credential in Early Childhood Education (This is different than the Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Early Childhood Special Education).

Education Code section 48000(g) requires credentialed teachers who are first assigned to a TK classroom after July 1, 2015, to have one of the following by August 1, 2023:

  • At least 24 units in early childhood education, or childhood development, or both
  • Professional experience in a classroom setting with preschool age children comparable to the 24 units of education described in bullet 1 (comparability determined by the local employing agency)
  • Child Development Teacher Permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Any teacher who is or was assigned to teach TK, or a combination of kindergarten and TK, on or before July 1, 2015, is "grandfathered in" to teach TK without having to meet the additional unit requirements for TK teachers set forth by this education code section.

Additionally, Education Specialist Instruction Credentials and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) credential authorization holders are not authorized to teach TK.


The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) was created in 1983 to address the critical shortage in the number of licensed childcare center workers in the state of California. CDTC’s objectives have remained the same since. It seeks to support students attending California community colleges so that they can more quickly meet the requirements for the permits issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. A program offered through CDTC is the CDTC Permit Program that pays the permit application fee to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for for eligible applicants. The CDTC will pay the application fee for the following permits:

1. First Time Permits: All permit levels are eligible for the stipend for first time applicants.

  • Fingerprinting fees for this level may also be reimbursed for eligible applicants. Fingerprinting fees cannot be reimbursed if the applicant has had a live scan done for CTC before. Fingerprint reimbursement requests must be accompanied by an eligible permit application.
  • Permit Upgrades: All levels are eligible for the stipend for upgrades. Active and expired permits at those levels are eligible.

2. Renewals: All levels are eligible for the stiped for renewals. Active and expired permits at those levels are eligible.

  • Online Renewals: Teacher, Master Teacher, Site Supervisor and Program Director levels are eligible for the stipend for online renewals. Renew online at
  • Applicant will need to pay the fees by debit or credit card and use the Online Renewal application to request reimbursement from CDTC for the $100 renewal fee.
  • Site Supervisor and Program Director levels are eligible for the stiped for online renewals effective August 18, 2021. Receipts showing a renewal was paid prior to August 18, 2021 are not eligible.

Funding of a permit application fee is limited to one time each program year (July 1 - June 31). Funding is limited and applications are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. CDTC will reimburse $49 dollars for DOJ and FBI fees to applicants who have never been fingerprinted for the CTC before. Any "rolling" or "agency" fees charged by the live scan are not reimbursed. To find the online application. please click here.


Iván Villanueva Lopez

My name is Iván Villanueva Lopez, and I am a first-generation Latino college graduate. I come from two hard-working, determined, persevering Mexican parents. My parents have always supported me in everything I do, especially in academics. Back when I didn't know the English language, they were my literacy sponsors walking me throughout our neighborhood to find a neighbor who was bilingual and could help me complete my homework. My parents never got past the elementary level and came to this country with nothing but gave me everything. So, here I am as a Porterville College alumni of the class of 2020, working on my last few days preparing for my graduation date for California State University of Fresno so that I can receive my Bachelor's Degree in English Studies with an emphasis in creative writing. I thank my parents for helping me along this complex journey, and thanks to our sacrifices and perseverance, WE are Graduating! ! ¡Si Se Pudo!

Regarding my plans, I currently have a paid internship position in an English Learner Storytelling Program based in Fresno, and I will be doing the internship until it terminates. My role as an intern is to support and facilitate current and former English Learner youth in the Fresno Unified School District. I assist in helping the youth vocalize their experiences as ELs by training the youth in media production, graphic design, media literacy, and other mediums that will enhance their storytelling techniques. I also publish digital magazines while administering ways to disseminate them to local policymakers and community members to make a change for all English Learner programs in the Fresno Community.

The plan was to begin the credential program after receiving my Bachelor's Degree since teaching is the goal. Still, I've decided I'd like to explore the digital work of multimedia journalism before beginning the credential program. Thankfully for the internship, I've been able to use my creative writing abilities and have found a love for it by engaging in media literacy and propelling my storytelling techniques. By choosing to follow this path, I've had two pieces of my work published, and I am excited to see where this path will take me as a writer. It's a bit overwhelming deciding not to join the credential program right away, but I believe we owe ourselves to continue exploring. The world is ours, and there's so much to discover and experience. Nothing is impossible, and no dream is too big.

My advice to Education Careers students is to prioritize their mental and physical health. The college journey isn't easy, and it can be draining, so I think it is essential for individuals to take care of themselves both physically and mentally. Another piece of advice would be to utilize the available resources on campus. These resources were designed to help propel one in academics, so I highly recommend using them, and I can say from experience, that they can go a long way. Finally, my last piece of advice for Education Careers students is to be fully aware of the career they are choosing to pursue. Education is one of the most powerful things to exist. Educators inspire and create a foundation out of education, and that's the thing; whether one chooses to become an academic advisor, teacher, principal, etc., we educators educate generations, so please go into this career path with a growth mindset and not a fixed one.

Esmeralda Hidalgo

My name is Esmeralda Hidalgo. Currently, I am a wife and mother of three. I began my academic journey at Porterville College in the fall of 2015. While attending college, I became pregnant with my little ones. However, my education was critical, so I was determined to divide my time between my priorities.

While at Porterville College, I took advantage of programs like EOPS. I also completed over 200 hours as a preschool teacher assistant at the Child Development Center located at Porterville College campus. Since I maintained over a 3.5 GPA at PC, I became a member of the Phi Theta Kappa. Fall of 2018 I graduated from Porterville College and was fortunate to graduate with honors. The degrees I acquired were: AA in Social Science, AST in Early Childhood Education, AA in Child Development, and an AA in Liberal Arts; Arts, and Humanities.

My next step was transferring to Fresno Pacific University. At FPU, I majored in Early Child Education. I graduated from FPU fall of 2021 with a 4.0 GPA and was recognized as Summa Cum Laude. My final step is to form a part of the FPU School Counseling Masters Program. My career goal is to become a high school counselor.

Kaitlyn Miller

When I was in high school I had the opportunity to take college classes my senior year. I didn't know what I wanted to pursue at the time but I enjoyed what I experienced at Porterville College. After attending PC for a semester I discovered my love of teaching and focused my goal on being a transfer student to follow my new found dream. Porterville College helped me to find the right people to talk to, plan my classes with my counselors, and graduate on time with my degree to transfer. It allowed me to save money for the next step, and I was able to attend Fresno State. In May of this year I graduated with my Bachelors Degree in Liberal Studies as as my Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. I was then offered a contract with a district to teach 2nd grade. I am now living the dream I discovered at Porterville College, and I thank my professors, advisors, and classmates for ensuring my journey was heading down the right path. Everyday I enter my classroom I have you to thank, because of you I can shape the minds of the future and encourage my students to go after their dreams just as you encouraged me.


Educational Advisor Jackie Escareno and Counselor Ana Ceballos

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