
Meet Abbas Believe and can

Abbas Huseynov is 36 years old. He lives in a village Kvemo Saral village which is located in the Marneuli region. He has multiple disabilities: he can neither speak nor walk or move his arms freely.

Despite his wish to study, he wasn’t able to find an education center where he could learn to write with his hand and to speak or to acquire other communication skills.

Regardless of his disabilities, he is leading an active life. He goes to the mosque three times a day with his niece and teaches her the way to pray.

Abbas did not have the possibility to complete his secondary education and to continue his higher education. He still teaches children the way to pray in the mosque. As he cannot speak he teaches by using gestures. His mother is always by his side and helps him with teaching. So, if there is something he cannot explain with gestures his mother can explain to his son’s pupils.

When he walks in the street alone, he sometimes wants to communicate with strangers but he feels being avoided.

Abbas often goes out with his friends. One of his friends teaches him to play football.

If Abbas wants to travel independently he has to take a taxi. Public buses are not adapted for wheelchair users that would allow him to move on his own, sitting in a wheelchair.

Created By
idris rustemov

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