The Two Prudential plaza By devarion wilborn

Photos interior and exterior of the two prudential plaza 
Rear view of the building 
Left corner angle of building
Sky eye angle view of the plaza 
Front left corner from distance 
233 N Michigan Ave #3000, Chicago, IL 60601
It was constructed in 1990 by loebl Scholssman & hackl, the architect for this project was Henry T Wright the building has 72 floors
The two prudential plaza is used for multiple reasons it contain restaurants, news stands, and businesses used the buildings for multiple companies.
The percentages of vacancies in the entire building is approximately 12%. To rent it's cost per square foot is 1,200 dollars
Roof/ceiling view of the inside of the prudential plaza
The main lobby of the prudential building its where shoppers are allowed commonly found its where most shops are located

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