A Parent's Guide to Middle School
Middle School is an exciting time in the lives of our students. We are so excited about this next milestone in your child's education. Please view the resources and helpful tips below to gain insight in to the world of middle school!
Resources & FAQs
Access the link below to see some frequently asked questions by parents and students. If you have a question that is not answered here, please email your grade level counselor (found at the bottom of the newsletter).
A Day in the Life of a 6th Grader
Richmond Hill Middle School Athletics
Fall Sports
Coaches: Jamie Bennett, Josh Eads, Ryan Books, and Ben Jernigan, Philip Lyons
Coaches: Jenna Barnwell, Amy Beasley and Carly Taylor
Coaches: Meredith Succi, Abby Stahl
Coach: Jacob Vallbracht
Coaches: Audra Rider
Winter Sports
Basketball- Boys
Coaches: New
Basketball- Girls
Coaches: Abby Stahl
Coach: Lisa Tuttle
Coaches: Riley Scheyder
Coaches: New
Spring Sports
Soccer- Girls
Coaches: New
Soccer- Boys
Coaches: Dustin Barnwell and Jacob Vallbracht
Track and Field
Coaches: Josh Eads, Audra Rider, Audra Esquivel, Ryan Books
Coaches: Donnie Jones, Ben Jernigan, and Brandon Findley
Coaches: New
Coaches: Michael Morris and Daniel O'Connell
Lacrosse- Girls
Coaches: Kaitlin Cox
Golf - Girls and Boys
Coaches: Randall Boone
Fine Arts Programs
In band at RHMS your student will learn how to play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. Throughout the year these new skills will be showcased through concerts and events. Students do not need to have any musical or instrumental background to join band. We will start at the very beginning! We will help your student pick out an instrument to learn and we will teach them everything they need to know. Since band is a class during the regular school day, it does not conflict with any after school activities – like sports or clubs. We have students in band who participate in every sport and club at RHMS!
This class is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of singing. In addition, this class is designed to introduce students to music reading, the understanding of musical terminology, and the performance of music in individual and group settings. You don’t have to be a good singer or even know how to sing to join chorus! All you need is a love of music and a willingness to sing with others. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Greer at agreer@bryan.k12.ga.us.
In orchestra, students continue traditions of playing string instruments that dates back over 500 years! Orchestra students learn either the Violin, Viola, Cello, or Double Bass. No prior knowledge or experience playing an instrument or reading music is required! In your first year you learn to read sheet music on the staff, use the bow, and play 4-part music with your friends. Orchestra is a connections class, so you are still able to play sports or after-school clubs but there are several concerts a year where we perform music for your family and friends. Rental instruments are assigned at the start of the year. Please contact Mr. Mock, orchestra director, at jmock@bryan.k12.ga.us for more information!
Richmond Hill Middle School Counselors
6th Grade Counselor, Jenna Barnwell - jbarnwell@bryan.k12.ga.us
7th Grade Counselor, Ashley Scheyder - ascheyder@bryan.k12.ga.us
8th Grade Counselor, Dan Mertig - dmertig@bryan.k12.ga.us
Academic Counselor, Melissa Bragg - mbragg@bryan.k12.ga.us