
BUSINESS BROADBAND "Because working from home is the new normal"

Across the UK businesses have seen the power of flexible home working because of the pandemic. At Simoda we feel working from home will be the new 'normal' and have worked hard to define a solution offering that will help our customers deliver a quality service while they are working from the comfort of their own homes.

Businesses need their staff to have connectivity with guaranteed quality of service for video, voice & corporate application traffic, while having the security features of the corporate network. The connectivity should also have a guaranteed fix with business level support should issues arise.

piece of mind that your work internet will not be affected by the kids on the xbox


24/7 365 UK Support desk

Guaranteed low latency (Ping & Jitter)

Uncontended, full uncapped line sync speeds

ISP Data Centre resiliency

Ping, WAN & uptime monitoring for IT teams

30 day rolling contract available

video call with confidence


Guaranteed broadband performance

Better quality video & voice calls

Improved level of support

Security of the enterprise while at home

Monitor staff performance & availablity

Improved productivity per employee

This represents a great opportunity for our customers to take advantage of cloud technologies while working from home

Daniel Bumby, Managing Director, Simoda Limited

Simoda digital transformation solutions, trusted advisors & opex specialists

For more information & receive a quote contact us at


0114 281 5973



Created with images by BRUNO CERVERA - "Work and Sleep" • Austin Distel - "Model: @Austindistel https://www.instagram.com/austindistel/ Photographer: @breeandstephen https://www.instagram.com/breeandstephen/ This photo is free for public use. If you do use this photo, Please credit in caption or metadata with link to "www.distel.com"." • Gabriel Benois - "Home School, quarantine :(" • DESIGNECOLOGIST - "HOME WORK"

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