Zapper | Manchester An insight into zapper's portfolio in manchester

Coffee Houses

Foundation coffee house | Our newest addition to the growing coffee scene in Manchester. A drive on creating fantastic coffee in a relaxed environment. Zapper has now integrated with them to offer customer a quick way to pay at either the counter or table.

Grindsmith | One of the best known coffee houses in Manchester (you've probably seen their Breaking Bad paining) With the unique pod and fantastic work space on Deansgate it's a favourite for Manchester and Zapper users.

Caffeine and Co | Offering 3 amazing venues around Manchester. Quay Street near the Coronation Street tour being one, they offer a unique, weekly changing menu to cater to everyone's tates.

Manchester is a city that prides it's self on innovation and doing things first. Voted again the best city in the UK to live, it's easy to see why.

With more and more places accepting Zapper around Manchester, it's now time to embrace the transaction to mobile payments and reap the rewards it brings.

Created By
Benjamin Salt

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