
Bemidji State Biology Students Present at National Conference Eight Bemidji State University students attended the American Fisheries Society and Wildlife Society joint national conference in Reno, Nevada. Of these students, four graduate students gave presentations at the conference on various topics.

Joseph Riley, a biology graduate student from Bemidji, Minn., presented on "Habitat Preferences of Woodland Jumping Mice in Itasca State Park, Minnesota."

Joseph Amundson, a biology graduate student from Bemidji, Minn., presented on "Assessing the Dispersal of Stocked Walleye Fry in a Northern Minnesota Chain of Lakes."

Cody Coyle, a biology graduate student from Watertown, Minn., presented on "Assessing the Effects of Double-crested Cormorants on Walleye and Yellow Perch Populations in Leech Lake, Minnesota."

Shannon McNamara, a biology graduate student from Solway, Minn., presented on "Determining Wolf Pup Survival in Minnesota: Methods and Preliminary Results."

Six undergraduates also attended the conference, including Tim Drake, Nicole Hendrickson, Dylan Kruzel, Frankie Latimer, Kate Peterson and Adam Schuyler.

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OCM Bemidji State

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