Redlining in Baton Rouge and St George By: Donny PaglIa

Do the you think that making the middle class have a better education fair for the lower class. No, right? Well that's what happened in Baton Rouge. The modern day civil rights issue that I will be researching redlining, especially redlining in St.George and Baton Rouge. A quick explanation is that redlining is when a town or city is split up and graded by a scale from blue (the best place to live) to red (a dangerous place to live). A right that is being denied was the right of equal education. They are separating and making the middle class a better education and the red line area a worse education. They had to get to 18,000 signatures for Baton Rouge to split into two cities. After St. George splits there are still 229,426 thousand people in Baton Rouge that is getting unfair education while St. George will get better education.

The strategy was to use media and a petition to approve of St. George. It also made signs across Baton Rouge and had meetings with people trying to rally people. They ended up splitting cities and it was a way to affect the city of Baton Rouge and this proves it is a powerful thing to do. The bad thing that happened was that the city of Baton Rouge had a worse education than before.

The future of St. George is to make a parish and a school system. Most of the middle to upper class go to these schools. HWhile the Baton Rouge school system with C and lower grades schools. These schools are unfair and affect people's future and they should be changed and be equal.

Plan #1 for the St George Parish

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