Francoise Nielly Art Homework

This painting is of a woman. Her face is almost straight on, and her eyes are looking slightly to her left. I think she is relatively young, as I do not see any lines that could represent wrinkles. I think she is posing slightly for the painting, to make her lips nicer and her face in the best light for her. The painting looks quite smooth to touch. In this piece, the main colour is white. Her eyes are outlined in black, and tohis makes the blue of her eyes stand out and make them piercing. A lot of pink is used, lighter and darker pinks, to create shadows and light spots. Dark colours such as dark red and dark blue are used to show the shadows above and around the eye. Different tones of yellow are used to make her lips look fuller. This painting does not have a black background like most of the other Francoise Nielly paintings. Instead, it has a white background, and lets the white fill in any spaces with no colour on the face. This means you cannot see the lines and edges of the woman's face as clearly.

I think this painting is of a woman because of her face shape, and the lips are quite large, and the closed eyes have long eyelashes. This face has been painted in 3/4 profile. I think the subject is quite old, as there are a lot of shadows above and around the eyes, suggesting that they are sunken. The subject also has very prominent cheekbones. In this piece, the main colour is blue/green around the bottom, and then on the forehead, it is all yellow. I think this represents where a patch of light hits the persons head. Below the eyes and around the lips, there is lots of light pink. On the lips, they are a very dark shade of pink, but a large patch of white shows where the light shines. There are also long black splodges/lines where the eyelashes would be. In the background, it is mostly black shadow, which makes the colours on the face stand out. On the cheeks, it looks like there lines across everywhere, and it makes the painting look a bit more rough.

The subject in this photo is a woman. In this pose, she looks quite young and vulnerable, I think this is because her eyes are looking to her right and she looks frightened, like she is expecting something to jump out at her. The eyes are a piercing blue and her lips are very full. They have been done in a dark red to make them stand out. It looks like she has prominent cheekbones. The main colour in this piece is pink, with quite a bit of yellow and turquoise/blue. On the nose, light colours have been used, and this represents where the light is shining. The lady is facing to her left, but her eyes are to the right, which is where the light is coming from. A burgundy colour is used to show the shadows around the eyes and a dark turquoise and black lines are used to show the area of the face that was in shadow. Again, the dark background makes the colours on the face really stand out. The painting looks quite textured.

The subject in this image is another woman. She looks a bit angry, or maybe just frustrated with someone. She looks like a young woman because her face is quite round and full. I think she could still be in her late teens. This girl is facing to her left. She has been painted on a three quarter profile, so there are shadows on her face, so there are shadows along the right side of her face. Her eyelashes have been done in a dark blue, not black. This makes you notice them. The right eye's eyelashes are very long, and they are noticeable as they go past the edge of her face. Her eyes are a startling blue, and they draw your eyes to them. Along the shadowed part on the right side of the nose there is a large line of blue. This accents the eye. The main colours in this portrait are reds and oranges and pinks. Light pink and white is used to show the light areas. There is a dark pink shadow along the left cheek, showing the very prominent cheekbone. The girl also has quite a prominent chin. The painting has lots of colours blending into each other.