Keep Horry County Beautiful SimplyMeasured


Horry County's mission is to provide a community environment in which the citizens and visitors of Horry County can enjoy the highest quality of life.

About Keep Horry County Beautiful

"To inspire residents and visitors to value and protect the natural beauty of Horry County and to empower them to keep the open spaces, rivers, and beaches clean and litter free"

The Community Cleanup Program is designed to assist civic, community and/or other volunteer groups that would like to help “Keep Horry County Beautiful”! With Horry County being one of the biggest counties east of the Mississippi River, the KHCB Committee needs help in keeping our county’s streets, parks, open spaces, rivers, schools, and other community amenities clean and litter-free.

If you share the same interest and would like to organize litter cleanups in your community, we would be very happy to help you help us! The Keep Horry County Beautiful Committee (KHCB) will provide any community groups enrolled in this program with trash bags, gloves, grabbers, and safety vests. We will also coordinate with you necessary Safety/Police backup, Cautionary Event Signage, and Pickup of the bags after the cleanup event. Last but not least the KHCB will provide Safety Training to familiarize you with the Do’s and Do Not’s of a Community Cleanup. Groups that enroll to conduct regular cleanup events at their chosen sites will also qualify to have a sign erected in acknowledgement of their regular efforts (see Two-Year Commitment Agreement form).

What Does SimplyMeasured do For Your Brand?

  • Listening- Dig into the conversations that matter to your brand
  • Social Analytics- Measure brand, competitor, and influencer profiles
  • Content Share Tracking- Track how your web content is shared across any social channel
  • Conversion Tracking- See how social makes an impact on web traffic, conversions, and revenues


SimplyMeasured will allow Keep Horry County Beautiful to target clients and volunteers better. People that volunteer regularly can be reached for upcoming events more efficiently. The resources they provided will make reporting easier to maintain. They also can help Horry County in measuring dark social and attribute revenue; how to increase social conversion; why brands must use outcomes to prove, and improve, social success; 24 ways to test your Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook content; and many more. These resources can make Keep Horry County Beautiful more effective in reaches their target audience.

Adam Schoenfeld of SimplyMeasured presents at Seattle Tech Meetup on September 17th, 2013.

Thank you from Mark Kirkwood and Brian Williams


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