I chose this school because I wanted to learn more about a small school that was in Ohio. I've heard about Otterbein from my friends and I wanted to learn more about about it.
I would consider this school because it seems like a good community. It looks like it would be easy to get used to and easy to fit in with everything the college is involved in.
Westerville, Ohio (25 minutes away)
2,500 Students (40% male, 60% female)
Suburban Area
Greek life is very popular at Otterbein Univeristy. There are 6 different sororities and fraternities. 30% of males and females join Greek Life.
There are 10 varsity sports for men and 9 varsity sports for women. Otterbein University participates in Division 3 sports.
Enrollment Requirmemts
75% of applicants are admitted
The average GPA is a 3.5
ACT of at least a 21 or higher
SAT of a 1080 or higher
Application deadlines are August 15th
Letters of recommendation are optional but not required
For a transfer student from Columbus state looking for housing options, the Suite Style Residence Halls are for sophomores through seniors. These dorms are double bedrooms connected by a bathroom. They also have options for private bathrooms.
They also have the common apartments which are for Juniors and Seniors. They come fully furnished. They have 1 and a half baths. They usually have 2-4 bedrooms.
Cost of Attending
Tuition: $31,424
Room and Board: $10,108
Student Life Fee: $200
Tech Fee: $250
Food Plan: $4,710
Total: $46,692
Meal Plans
Block meals and Cardinal Dollars
A block meal would be eating during each dining period. For example, to eat breakfast, you must enter the dining hall from 7:15am to 10:00am. After 10 o'clock breakfast is not offered. Cardinal dollars are allowed to be spent at the Cardinal Nest or the Otterden for meals only.
"Otterbein was easy for me to transition to when I first came because there's always so much to do. I like the size a lot because I don't feel overwhelmed and with smaller classes I can have a closer relationship with my professor. I joined a sorority and that's where I've made most of my closest friends. There are so many ways to volunteer and there's always something to do on campus. Wether it's a play or a sporting event, if you're not studying, you're not bored." -Freshman at Otterbein
Otterbein was one of the FIRST coeducational colleges where men and women could attend.
The first graduating class consisted of 2 women.
Otterbein is connected with the United Methodist Church
I really enjoyed learning about Otterbein
I would definitely consider applying. I like the idea of a smaller college because it's like a little community. The campus seems like it is really involved with activities and volunteer work which is something I find important. I was surprised when the website said that Otterbein was connected with the United Methodist Church. That is the denomination that my family is involved with. I think I will take further steps into seeing what Otterbein is about.
Works Cited
Created with images by Tim Green aka atoach - "Blackburn College" • brokinhrt2 - "Lake"