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Grand Day A Little History

“One day in each term was formerly known as Grand Day. The Grand Days were: Candlemas Day (February 2nd), in Hilary Term; The Annunciation (March 25th), in Easter Term; St John the Baptist's Day (June 24th), in Trinity Term; and All Saints' Day (November 1st), in Michaelmas Term. For each of these days was a dies non for the Courts, and was kept with much ceremony in the Inns of Court and Chancery.

Now the Courts do not concern themselves with Terms or Grand Days: the Inns of Chancery have passed away; and even in the Inns of Court Grand Day is merely one day - it may be any day - in each of the four terms on which guests are entertained at dinner by benchers and a dinner somewhat more elaborate than usual is provided for the other members of the Inn.”

Byrne, William James: Dictionary of English Law (1923)


“On 2 February 1734, when the last solemn revels were kept in the hall of the Inner Temple, the celebrated actor Toby Aston was retained for a fee of two guineas to perform 'the ancient song', attired in a Bar gown. This was sung while the lord chancellor, judges, serjeants and benchers 'danced, or rather walked, round about the coal fire, according to the old ceremony, three times'. It was probably the last time that the 'old measures' - which were of medieval origin - were performed in any of the inns of court.

On earlier occasions, before the members of the Inn were permitted thus to delegate their duty to a professional performer, it had been incumbent upon a member of the utter Bar to sing the song usually sung before the judges and sergeants on Grand Days.

Joshua Blew, butler of the Inner Temple, wrote out some notes on ‘The Manner of Receiving the Judges on the Grand Day’, including a statement that ‘the song of myrth and solace’ was to be sung whilst going round the hall.”

Baker, Sir John: An Inner Temple Miscellany (2004)

The Manner of Receiving the Judges, &c., on Publick Grand Days and the method of serving up Dinner.

The Ancient Song

“It is difficult to judge how old this ‘ancient’ song really was in 1700. Lincoln’s Inn also had an old song, with the same chorus of mirth and solace but different verses, which was sung on Candlemas Day 1725 and said to be ‘made 1000 years ago’ - presumably a slip of the pen for 100.”

The likelihood is that, like so much of the Christmas tradition maintained by the inns of court, and also indeed of the stately ring-dance, it was of medieval origin.”

Baker, Sir John: An Inner Temple Miscellany (2004)


A sample menu from 1805

Treasures of the Inn

Before dinner on the evening of Grand Day the Library exhibits a selection of its manuscripts and printed books for benchers and their guests.

Grand Day remains one of the most prestigious events of the Inn's calendar.


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