Chersonese ancient ruins

Сhersonese is my favorite ancient city. I was there 4-5 times. It's in the Crimera near to the Sevastopol. It's not very big and loud. There are some preserved buildings, all of them are different and have stories about them. Chersonese has one very interesting building - church. There was one small antic church and many years after there was build a new one, on the same place. My favorite buildings there are Basilic in the Basilic and Big Bell.

Here they are:

a bell

and the Basilic in the basilic.

You can see some stone roads there. All in this city are from stone. Some buildings are underground. When I was here, we were helping to save buildings. In the museum of this city you can see some ceramic vases, which can tell you that ancient people used them for food, drinks and something else. On the picture you can see vases:

There were different cultures in different time in CChersonese.

I heard one story about Chersonese. It's about the war between Chersonese people and their government. I remember that it was very long and scary. I don't remember well, but I think that people throw their government in a well.

I think you have to go there to have rest or to work. It's very good place to work with students. There are also lots of beautiful places near here. It's better to go here in summer or autmn. Well, that's all what I wanted to tell you.

Sonya, 6 grade

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