The Sniper LiteralLy elements prodject


The plot for the sniper was that there is a war and there where two snipers. One sniper was a republican and the other is a free state on different sides and we find out what sniper gets the first shot or wins the war and maybe find a twist.
Picture of two snipers


Republican Sniper

  • Young
  • Italian
  • Sniper
  • Republican

Free State Sniper

  • Italian
  • Sniper
  • Young
  • Free state


The story takes place in Dublin, Ireland, in June of 1922 and is during the Irish civil war. It was dark which made the setting is eerie and foreboding.


The snipers were to thrilled to kill each other that they didn't even know they were brothers.


  • Rooftop
  • Cigarete
  • Sniper

Rooftop Literal Meaning: the roof of a building, especially the outer surface.

Cigarette literal meaning: a cylindrical roll of finely cut tobacco cured for smoking, considerably smaller than most cigars and usually wrapped in thin white paper.

Sniper literal meaning: a person shooting at individuals as opportunity offers from a concealed or distant position

Rooftop figurative meaning: to start fight

Cigarette figurative meaning: a signal

Sniper figurative meaning: sarrow

Theme: never reveal spot as sniper

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