The twits  By finley cook

The twits is written by the iconic Roald Dahl who was one of my favourite authors when I was 8-9 I read most of his books but not the twits people told me that I was missing out but I never read it so now I thought would be a great time to read it.

So this book has 2 important characters Mr and Mrs Twits and then there is the great monkey circus 4 monkeys who are the Mr and Mrs Twits pets. Now you may be wondering why do the stinky smelly Mr and Mrs Twits have monkeys for pets. The reason for that is because they worked in a circus together wouldn't that be fun.

There is a moral to the book and its if you teat people respectfully they will treat you with the same respect but if you don't you won't enjoy being in there company.

The twits has been a joy to read and the coolest part is the pranks witch they play on each other.

These are the chapters of the book and I think that just shows how fun and interactive the book is. The coolest and most legendary prank is the spaghetti one where Mr Twit eats the spaghetti well he thinks it's spaghetti but it's worms. Makes you cringe doesn't it.

The great thing about Ronald Dahl is the way he uses imagery. Here is one of the extracts from his book, if you peered deep into his moustache bristles sticking out over his upper lip, you would probably see much larger objects that had escaped the wipe of his hand, things that had been there for months and months, like a piece of maggoty green cheese or mouldy old corn flake or even the slimy tail of a sardine. That interacts me as reader using imagery. What I loved about that extract was the bit where he involved cornflakes because that makes a child feel comfortable and I love that.

Roald Dahl used many things in his book to emphasizethe way he thought and that is what I loved about this book.

This is Roald Dahl 

Roald Dahl is an iconic writer who will stay in my mind because of his books and how intelligent he was, he is an idol and a hero Roald Dahl is simpley a legend. By Finley Cook

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