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Zhangyang “Atlas” Wang Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UT Austin

Research is my profession, and everlasting passion. I work on Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Optimization, as well as their interdisciplinary applications.

I have had the unbelievable fortune to work with a group of ROCKSTAR students, who are much better than myself! My group, Visual Informatics@Texas, Austin (VITA), regularly publishes in CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, NeurIPS/ICML/ICLR, etc.

As of 08/2020, my top-5 favorite papers are (with my admittedly very biased and time-varying taste; and they're embarrassingly on five different topics):

My research has been recognized by:

  • Two federal faculty awards: ARO Young Investigator Award (YIP), NSF CRII Award
  • Three industry faculty awards: IBM Faculty Research Award, Amazon Research Award (AWS AI), Adobe Data Science Research Award
  • Four challenge prizes: CVPR'20 LPCV, ICCV'19 WIDER, ECCV'18 ChaLearn, and CVPR'18 UG2
  • A few more university-level awards: TEES Young Faculty Fellow, TAMU Engineering Genesis Award, UIUC Huang Research Award, UIUC CS/AI Research Award...

My favorite hobby is traveling. I have visited 43 out of 50 states in the US (to most of them I drove my own car as a backpacker!), and 5 out of 7 continents on the globe (Antarctica and Africa - just hold on a moment).

These experiences have instilled me with an open mind on human behavior, and a respect for those things that make us different and similar to one another.

Annie Hall (1977)

When I am not preparing for class, buried in research projects, or traveling the globe, you’re likely to find me:

  • Reciting and writing poems
  • Enjoying wines/sakes/craft beers/whiskies
  • Watching movies (I'm addicted to Woody Allen)
  • Cooking Chinese and Japanese cuisines (this is perhaps my real gift)
  • Doing early morning workouts in the gym; or hiking during the weekends
A liberal translation: “Life is hard. After all, it kills you.”

One Last "Fun fact": my first name accidentally pronounces like "not humble" in Chinese. That unfortunate coincidence has caused an annoying stereotype on my life. But it's such a hassle to change the legal name, so I'll live with it for the rest of my life.


Personal webpage. Meant to be unofficial. Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer or group.