"The Benefits of Movement" LacY bennett

Movement is an essential function in our day to day lives. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans do not move enough as lifestyle and career choices become increasingly sedentary.

The effects of Immobility, even in the short term can impede the body's ability to function properly. Immobility can lead to muscle atrophy, weakness, shortening of ligaments, loss of elasticity and decreased bone density. Pain and inflammation may be present in the joints as a result of lack of movement.

To counteract immobility due to lack of activity, daily movement is necessary. There are many different ways to move the body, it is just a matter of finding the method that works best for the individual.

Movement to maintain a healthy weight can help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.

There are many methods to movement, the trick is to find the method that best fits your lifestyle. Movement does not have to be stressful, it should flow well with a daily routine.

Exercises which are simple to incorporate into a daily routine can include:

  • Walking, hiking, jogging or running
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi/Qi gong
  • Dancing
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Pilates
  • Fitness programs

Yoga is probably the easiest way to get the body moving anywhere. It can be awkward at first for a newbie, but it invaluable for a lifetime. There are many free online resources for any level of yogi.

Tai chi and qigong are also simple to incorporate into a daily routine. In china, people of all ages gather in parks to practice qigong to prevent disease and increase longevity. Daily practice of qigong is revered as medicine in China, price breaks are given on insurance if it is incorporated into a health routine.

Movement does not have to be stressful, make it fun and practice it daily!


Peterson, D. (2015). Nat 302: Holistic Pathophysiology. Portland, Oregon: American College of Healthcare Sciences.

Created By
Lacy Bennett
Created with images by Lauren Manning - "One Lady Leaping"

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