Head Teacher Introduction
Your ‘Senior Phase’ (S4/S5/S6), is an important phase in your education. These three years are the period in your education when you will gain a range of nationally recognised qualifications. At this time you should explore all options and gather as much information and advice as you can. You should aim high and follow a programme that builds on your experience and strengths. That way you will have the greatest chance of success at the highest level you can. The success of your Senior Phase will help shape your future career and lifestyle.
The vast majority of you will opt to stay on at school through choice. Only make that choice if school takes your learning forward and you are prepared to commit one hundred percent to the expectations we have for you. That will help ensure success. For a few students school is not the place to take your learning forward and you may choose to leave. I wish those of you who decide to leave Linlithgow Academy every success for the future.
School Leaving Dates
The dates on which you may leave school are fixed by law:
• If you are 16 years old before 30 September 2025 you may leave on 31 May 2025
• If you are 16 years old after 30 September 2025 you must remain in full time education until at least the end of the Christmas term 2025
Christmas Leavers can get a great deal out of their last term in education. There are worthwhile courses that you can access via school which will help you gain employment or link into colleges. You may be able to do other things at school or in the community which will add to your experience and range of skills and qualities.
Subject pathways
If your decision is to return to school next session, I hope that our Pathways booklet (which will be published soon) will help you in designing the most appropriate programme to maximise your chances of gaining qualifications at the highest level you can. The courses described in this booklet give you a significant range of possibilities however; some courses will only run if there is sufficient demand for them. If you wish to do a course not on offer at Linlithgow Academy it may be possible for you to do the course at another school through the West Lothian Campus, via Virtual Campus (on-line learning) or at West Lothian College.
Your House Head will help you to identify your interests, strengths, needs and career aspirations. Through PSE, and an individual interview if required, you will be helped to choose an appropriate programme for your remaining years in school. This programme is based on your levels of attainment, your potential and your expected career path. By providing the range of courses and levels we do, we expect you to accept that you have certain responsibilities relating to yourself, your school work and to the life of the school.
We therefore expect that you:
set yourself challenging, but attainable targets, and not to be satisfied with doing just enough to get by
give a commitment to prepare for and attend classes, to contribute fully, to think about your performance, to ask for help as required and to use feedback from teachers in order to improve
complete all required homework to the best of your ability
persevere to achieve your goals and take more responsibility for your own studies
give a commitment to behave appropriately and considerately within and out-with the school and to consider how you can contribute to enhancing the quality of life of the school
give a commitment to establish and maintain good relationships with other students and staff and to do what you can to create an environment which encourages a willingness to learn among students
embrace the range of experiences which we offer, both curricular and extra-curricular
I hope that all who progress into the Senior Phase have a successful and productive year and as a school we look forward to working with you in the year ahead.
Things you need to know
Our Senior Course Choice Sheet will set out the courses available for our senior students to choose from. This is now a free choice with choice columns removed from the course choice sheet in attempt to ensure we can meet the academic needs of all pupils. This obviously puts additional pressures on our 'behind the scenes' processes as we construct the school timetable.
Our Senior Curriculum encompasses opportunities for pupils to experience wider achievement and leadership opportunities, vocational experiences or bespoke individual planning options that best suit their learner journey.
All S4 pupils must do English and Maths (English will consist of 4 60 minute period). Pupils will choose a further 4 subjects which they will undertake 5 periods per week. Pupils will have 1 period PSE (where they will complete L5 SCQF Customer Services). All S4 pupils will also undertake a level 6 SCQF qualification in Emergency First Aid at Work.
Pupils will choose 6 options. Pupils will have 1 period PSE (where they will complete L6 SCQF Customer Services and 2 periods PE (they can opt to use these for supervised study).
S6 Pupils choose a minimum of 4 subjects which they will undertake 5 periods per week. S6 pupils undertaking 4 curricular choices will also be involved in further leadership development activities across the year.
NOTE: As part of school improvement plans for the session we are looking to ensure that our Curriculum pathways meet the needs of all learners so this is subject to change
What happens now?
It is always a good idea to plan your course choices to create an appropriate pathway that will help you towards achieving your career/life aspirations. To get the most out of your senior phase years at Linlithgow Academy you need to carefully construct your individual pathway taking into account whether this will be 1, 2 or 3 years more of study with us. This will depend on whether you intend to leave school after 4th, 5th or 6th year and take the step into the world of work or Further/Higher education.
Through accessing the information contained in this presentation, conversations with teachers/careers advisers and accessing partner websites using the links below you have a real opportunity to plan a meaningful, coherent and supported route towards achieving your goals. Choose wisely and consider as much of the information as possible before making your choices.
The button below allows you to access the website page that will soon contain our course choice booklets etc. These materials are discussed with pupils and used in PSE lessons to support pupils to make the pathway decisions that are right for them as individuals. The wide range of courses offered within Linlithgow Academy are available to all pupils, with progression through the different levels of study dependent on pupils achieving the minimum entry requirements in each case. Through January and February each year the entry requirements and demands of each course are explained and explored with subject teachers.
While partner agency information can be accessed through links embedded in the course choice booklet, the buttons below provide immediate access to information/advice from important partners that will support parent/carer - pupil discussion in exploring and identifying possible career pathways for our young people.
Created with images by qimono - "pencil diversity team" • PixxlTeufel - "decision path signpost" • geralt - "turn on switch off question mark" • niekverlaan - "lamp idea pear" • geralt - "business the next step next"