Sucess By Trajano Viteri

What does success mean to you, now and in the future? -The success is a great thing to me because I'm doing something good.

My greatest success was when I arrived to United States. I felt successful because in this place I will have the best future. I can study with a great education and learn new things about the United States. And I will have better friends.

What do you want your life to be like in 10 years? -I will be Medical Veterinarian. I will have a family. I will Have a farm with animals and so much trees and other plants. And I will travel around the word.

I want Will be Veterinary because I love the animals.

What is important to you in your life now? What will be important to you in the future? -Now, studying is important to me because I want be medical veterinary. In the future, I think work and saving money will be important to me because the money is important for buying things and traveling around the world.

I want save money for travel, and help to the people from Africa and the dogs to the street.
Travel around the world and know the new places.

What do you want to be when you grow up or after high school? What job will make you feel successful? -I want to be a chef when I grow up because it will pay for my study. I want work because I need money for pay my study and buy my things. I also want to help the children from Africa and help a pets without the family. I want to have a happy family with pets.

This is my idea about the happy family.
I want work how chef for pay my college and my things.
Help the African Children.
I want Help to the dogs without family.


Created with images by familymwr - "Photographers expand horizons in 2010 Army Digital Photography Contest 110311" • Alexas_Fotos - "target arrive reach" • Phil Roeder - "United States Capitol" • Alexas_Fotos - "veterinarian animals funny" • e-gabi - "money save pay" • Moyan_Brenn - "Travel" • NazarethCollege - "Winter Wonderland 2016" • Alexas_Fotos - "chefs figures funny" • Liv Unni Sødem - "Children posing" • nutranger - "dog animals street"


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