Dear parents and carers
This year the Nursery Sports Day is on Monday 24th June 2024. As for many of you it is your first Sports Day at Parkside, here is some information about how it works;
- Sports Day for morning children starts at 11am.
- Please enter through the main gate (the one with the buzzer) near the school office.
- Nursery use the grass near the bike stands in between the two buildings.
- There will be some benches and chairs set out for spectators.
- Any family members are welcome to watch and there is no limit as to how many can attend.
- Children need to come to Nursery wearing clothes ready to take part. Weather dependent this can be shorts/t-shirt/joggers/leggings of any design. Please do not go to extra expense of buying special clothing.
- Footwear that your child can run in (e.g. trainers/plimsolls) needs to be worn and can be lace up on this occasion even if your child can’t fasten their laces.
- Earrings and jewellery are to be removed before arriving at Nursery.
- If the weather is warm and sunny then please apply sun cream before your child arrives at nursery and send them with a sunhat.
- All the children will be taken to the toilet before coming outside and will have had their drink and snack. There is no need to bring any extra drinks or snacks. (Please note that your child will be given a celebratory ice lolly on Monday 3rd July after all of the school events have finished. Full allergen details will be available.)
- The children will take part in “traditional” races such as running and egg and spoon race and will use the lanes marked out on the grass. Each child will have one turn at each race and will be working as part of a team.
- The nursery team will be keeping all the children together in their groups and politely ask that you do not take your child into the spectator area. It will be very busy as other parts of the school will also be doing Sports Day on the main field. There will be lots of opportunity for congratulations at the end and some individual photos of your own child.
- As school policy, please do not video or take photographs during the events. Individual photos of your own child can be taken at the end once you have collected your child for personal use only but we request that images of other children are not distributed or put online. This is to protect all members of the community.
- The whole of the school site is a ‘No Smoking/Vaping’ area and dogs must not be brought on site.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you for what is sure to be a fun-filled morning. In the event that the Sports Day needs to be cancelled due to weather or field conditions, a text will be sent out early in the morning.
The Nursery Team