Northern Renaissance By: Tierney Haas

The Northern Renaissance

  • In the late 1400s the ideas of the Renaissance had spread into Northern Europe
  • In 1450 after the devastating bubonic plague the cities began to grow creating city-states
  • During the Northern Renaissance art increased and urban merchants sponsored artists making art a very important part of the Renaissance

German Painter: Durer

  • He left to go to Italy in 1494 to study art
  • When he returned he created woodcuts and engravings that portrayed religious subjects

German painter: Holbein

  • Specialized in painting portraits that are almost photographic in detail
  • He left to England where he painted portraits of King Henry VIII and other members of the English royal family

Flemish Painter: Van Eyck

  • He was the first great Flemish painter during the Renaissance
  • He used oil-based paint allowing him to create subtle colors in objects

Flemish Painter: Bruegel

  • Interested in realistic details and individual people
  • He painted every day peasant life such as weddings, dances, and harvests using rich colors

Christian Humanist: Erasmus

  • Erasmus was the best known Christian humanist and wrote a book The Praise of Folly
  • He believed that Christianity was of the heart and not a ceremony or rule
  • "If you keep thinking about what you want to do or what you hope will happen, you don't do it, and it won't happen."

Christian Humanist: More

  • He worked with Desiderius Erasmus and together they were the best known Christian humanist
  • Thomas More wrote a book called Utopia. It means no place in english. The book is about an ideal place with no war and little greed
  • "I die the king's faithful servant, but God's first."

Christine de Pizan

  • She was a very educated woman and was the woman to earn a living in writing
  • She wrote her books in French and produced many books, including short stories, biographies, novels, and manuals on military techniques
  • She was also the first European writer that questioned different treatment of boys and girls

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