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family, friends & community always!
mazel tov!

To Mark & Mindy Daniels on the birth of their new granddaughter, Amalia Daniels on November 7th and to the proud parents, Rabbis Ryan & Carlie Daniels!

our schedule

* Click on the LINK & move the cursor over each Service or Event for more information, including time(s).

our leadership


  • Alene Schonhaut - * Editor at Large, Madeleine Wolf - Assistant Editor, and Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant
  • * EDITORIAL NOTE - You can click on any picture or article to enlarge it.

photograph credits

Marc Gold, Sharon Kahn, Lisa Lupo, Meryl Root, Alene Schonhaut, Barbara Schrieber, and Cheryl Stern

Rabbi Randy Sheinberg

“There is More Than One Way to Be a Jew”

  • For me, one of the most powerful Jewish symbols is not one I wear on a piece of jewelry or light at my Shabbat table. It is found instead on a bumper sticker affixed to one of our cars. It is a Magen David, a “Star of David”. Yet unlike many Stars of David, this one is made up of different colored lines that cross to form the six points of the star, and beneath the Magen David is a caption, in Hebrew and in English: “There is more than one way to be a Jew.”
  • The multicolored Magen David reminds me that Judaism is a big, wide tent. There is a place for those of us who keep Kosher, and those who eat treif (non-Kosher food); for those of us who pray fervently to God, and those who doubt; for those of every skin color, gender expression, and sexual preference who choose to identify with the Jewish faith, there is a place.
  • My multicolored Magen David sticker was given to me and to many of you, by Rabbi Rinat Tzefania Schwarz when she came to visit Temple Tikvah a couple of years ago. As you may remember, Rabbi Rinat is the Rabbi of Kehillat Shoham, our “sister” Congregation in Israel to whom we donated one of our Torah Scrolls.
  • Kehillat Shoham is just one of many new and growing Reform Congregations in Israel. Rabbi Rinat and many other Israeli colleagues are slowly, but surely changing the face of Israel’s culture and religious scene. This is being done by creating places for joyous, egalitarian worship; they are teaching Israeli citizens for whom Orthodoxy does not fit, that there IS a place for them in Judaism, and that “there is more than one way to be a Jew.” The Reform Movement in Israel, which includes those Reform Congregations, as well as organizations like the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism (IMPJ), Rabbis for Human Rights, and others is standing up for the values that Reform Judaism cherishes - values like equality, pluralism, tolerance, and democracy.
  • I love Israel, and I want it to live up to the values I cherish. I believe that maintaining a strong and robust Reform and Progressive Jewish presence in Israel is the best way to ensure that this happens.
  • And that is where you can help…Starting January 21st and continuing through March 11th, you will have the opportunity to support the Reform Movement in Israel by voting “ARZA” in the Congressional Elections of the World Zionist Organization. I hope you will join me in doing so.
  • What is the World Zionist Organization? The World Zionist Organization (WZO) is a non-governmental organization that promotes Zionism. It was founded at the initiative of Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress, which took place in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland. When it was founded, the goal of the organization was “…[to establish] for the Jewish people a legally assured home in Palestine.” Now that the state of Israel has been established, the WZO seeks to perpetuate and nourish “a Jewish, democratic, and secure State of Israel” and sees it as the common responsibility of the Jewish people worldwide to participate in this mission.
  • The World Zionist Congress (WZC), is the legislative authority of the WZO. Today, it serves as the “Parliament” of the Jewish People; it is the only body in which all of World Jewry is represented democratically. The Congress meets in Jerusalem every five years and makes decisions that influence hundreds of millions of dollars in funding and affect the status of Reform Jews in Israel and across the world. Thanks to our strong turnout during the last WZC election five years ago, the Reform Movement in Israel received approximately $20 million in funding. Hopefully we will be able to secure at least as much support this time around, however Israel needs our help to do so.
  • How can you vote? Voting is done online, and any non-Israeli citizen who self-identifies as a Jew and who will be at least 18 years old by July 1st 2020 is eligible to vote. Throughout the voting period, we will be setting up stations where you can vote here at Temple Tikvah during all our major functions. I hope we can all turn out for this important cause.

Reform Judaism cherishes - values like equality, pluralism, tolerance, and democracy…

Cantor Guy Bonné

where words fail, music speaks

52 Years & Counting

  • People often ask me about the dilemma surrounding the West Bank. Here is an attempt to simplify the dilemma.
  • Most Israelis, and definitely all Palestinians agree that there must be a stop to the status quo that has tragically lingered for 52 years. Since the Six Day War, the Israeli Army regulates and dominates the lives of some to 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank.
  • On the one hand, it is essential to put an end to depriving the Palestinians of their freedom and rights. There also must be a cessation of the inevitable corruption of moral principles resulting from the young Israeli soldiers undignified constant control of the civilian West Bank population. On the other hand, Israel must be protected from terror attacks coming from the West Bank.
  • One solution is annexing the West Bank to Israel, thereby creating a single state for all its citizens. A bi-national state, where all citizens are equal regardless of national or ethnic identity, sounds too much like a utopia to be achieved. Israelis and Palestinians have such a bloody background and fundamental hatred. However, this solution is supported mainly by most Palestinians, as well as the National Zionists Israelis. Each group for different reasons.
  • The Palestinians know that according to statistics, in just a couple of generations the Palestinians are guaranteed to outnumber the Jews between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean. Moreover, if the Palestinians have equal rights, the Law of Return would apply to them as well, and millions of Palestinians will return back to Israel from which they fled and were chased away during the Independence War of 1948. Therefore, a bi-national state would inevitably result in the complete crush of the Zionist dream of creating a homeland for the Jewish people.
  • The National Zionists Israelis, who live mostly in settlements in the West Bank, cannot agree to giving away territory. Some from sincere devotion for the land and some from their religious beliefs, that the promised land must remain in Jewish hands. The problem is that if the entire territory is in Israeli hands, without giving the Palestinians equal rights, it would resemble the Apartheid in South Africa.

To be continued…

Temple President - shari rotstein

The House of Worship That Feels Like Home

  • A symbol is something that represents or stands for something else. There are many symbols in our lives and in fact, if you drive down my street and through most neighborhoods during the holiday season, you will see many different symbols of religion, ethnicity, and culture.
  • One of my favorite places to see Jewish Symbols is in our synagogues. The synagogue itself, is a symbol of our religion and culture and within them, we find meaningful symbols and beautiful cultural artwork.
  • How many times have you walked the hallway of our Synagogue? Have you noticed the Holocaust Torah? Have you noticed the Ark Valance? I have only had a few opportunities to really take some time to admire the special things displayed there. The Holocaust Torah also has an amazing story of how it came to be at Temple Tikvah and mentions former Temple members. It is such an unbelievable part of the beautiful symbols of our ancestry and heritage.
  • My three children grew up in our Synagogue and so for me, our Synagogue, especially is a symbol of that "home away from home" or the "second home" which falls right in line with our tag line, "The House of Worship That Feels Like Home."
  • Temple Tikvah is a very special place for my whole family. I am proud to say that all three of my children attended the nursery school at the former Temple Emanuel (Temple Tikvah) and then all of them attended Hebrew School, B'nai Mitzvah, Confirmation, High School Graduation (two graduates so far.) Needless to say, they grew up at Temple.
  • I had a very similar upbringing at Temple Judea in Massapequa, which has since merged with Wantagh Suburban and is now known as Temple B'nai Torah. My siblings and I grew up in that Synagogue. All three of us have a lot of fond memories.
  • In Rabbinical literature the Temple that King Solomon built and was later destroyed by the Babylonian's is Beit Hamikdash, "The Sanctified House." It was a holy place, a spiritual center of the Jewish people.
  • We are so blessed in modern times to have synagogues - that spiritual and holy place where we find our Torah, our menorahs, shofars, and many many more holy and special symbols. It is also where we find ourselves praying, planning, and for some if us, bringing up our children.

For me, the Synagogue will always be the place that symbolizes all that is Jewish, all that is our heritage and culture, and the place that will always feel like my "second home."

mark your calendars!

It is time to have some fun &

Raise some funds!

religious school

Education Director - Sharon Fricano

2019 Went Out with A Bang, As We Were Reminded of Our Faith’s Symbols!

  • Congratulations to the Grades 4/5 Class for doing a great job in leading our December Family Service!
  • On December 15th we held our first ever School-wide Family Kollel in conjunction with families from Temple Judea. Our families joined together to celebrate Hanukah through yoga, menorah making, homemade latke making, and tikkun olam (giving back during the Hanukah Season.) We topped it off with festive songs, latkes, and dreidel playing. A good time was had by all!
  • Thank you to Brotherhood and PTA for making the latkes, setting the tables, and all the behind the scenes work that helped make the morning memorable.
  • Thank you to Sisterhood as well, for providing a mezuzah for my new office. The children participated in the ceremony of attaching a mezuzah on the doorpost.
  • While there is no January Grade Service, we will have a Family Service and Congregational Dinner on Friday, January 10th. A flyer will be out shortly. Please join us!
  • On January 26th Cheryl Stern will lead a Tu B'Shevat Program for our students while parents attend Parent-Teacher Conferences. All parents should have received their child’s report card and a scheduled time to meet with their children’s teacher(s).
  • Although, not until February, please mark your calendars for a special Lunch & Learn and Parallel Youth Program on Saturday, February 8th. We will be marking Jewish Disabilities Month, with a Program with Sam Drazin. Mr. Drazin is afflicted with a rare congenital disorder, resulting in facial anomaly and hearing loss. He will lead a meaningful conversation about what it means to be different.
  • January Events: January 4th – Junior Congregation at 9:30am • January 7th – Tutoring: Grades 2/3 Service Preparation from 5:00-6:00pm • January 10th – Congregational Dinner at 6:15pm followed by a Family Service at 7:30pm • January 12th – Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:30am/Mitzvah Choir/Chai School • January 14th – Tutoring: Grades 2/3 Service Preparation from 5:00-6:00pm • January 19th – Closed for MLK Holiday • January 21st – Tutoring: Grades 2/3 Service Preparation from 5:00-6:00pm • January 25th – Havdalah/Teens • January 26th – Parent Teacher Conferences/ Tu B'Shevat Student Program • January 28th – Tutoring: Grades 2/3 Service Preparation from 5:00-6:00pm

Happy New Year!


Early Childhood - Nuccia Hernan

  • All of these programs are free; however, space is limited. Reservations are required for all our events, to ensure that we have adequate supplies for your child. Please register by emailing Shari Rotstein at

Director of Youth & Family Engagement - Cheryl Stern

Happy New Year Temple Tikvah!

  • I hope everyone enjoyed celebrating Hanukah and all the wonderful events we had at Temple Tikvah in December!
  • A special thank you to all the students and parents who attended the Ronald McDonald House in December - Sanáa, Nicole & Keith Taylor, Zoe & Cara Albert, Lucas Baker, and Zachary & Jill Silverman. The mitzvah of visiting the sick and helping others was fulfilled along with making memories with friends and family, as we baked scrumptious and creative cupcakes!
  • As always, we had a wonderful time making latkes and creating door hangers after Religious School for Hanukah.
  • Our next Family Havdalah Event will be on Saturday, January 25th 2020.
  • Tu B’Shevat is coming and we are looking forward to a wonderful program on Sunday, January 26th during Religious School.
  • The teens will have a Saturday Night Havdalah Event on January 25th, followed by a night out.
  • I hope you and your families will try to attend these exciting events. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at





Friday Night Dinners

planned at 6:15PM

• January 10th - Family Service • February 7th - Grades 2/3 Service • March 13th - Kindergarten & Grade 1 Service • April 3rd - New Member Dinner • May 1st - Sisterhood Shabbat • June 12th - High School Graduation


President - Marc Gold

What a Nice Ring…Happy New Year…2020!

  • I guess you will begin to read this in the waning days of 2019. Okay…no problem….as I said, “Happy New Year!!”
  • In keeping with our monthly theme…Jewish Symbols, I would like to write about some of them and how they relate to me and my family.
  • Well, since we are in the midst of my favorite holiday, Hanukah - I will begin with the menorah. In our home we need a least one for the house to light, real waxy candles for 8 days - that’s 44 total candles, but you knew that (didn’t you) and we have an electric menorah for the window. I would say many Jews have one or the other. However, some Jews just light the wax candles in their homes and/or just show the electric one in the window. Please remember…candles and pets do not go together.
  • Well in the Gold House, I think we are an exception. We have at least 10 candle lit menorahs and 5 electric ones! We put 2 of the electric ones in the windows and 3 around the house. As for the waxy candle menorahs, we only light ONE, but the other 9 are scattered through out the house on display. Much to my wife’s dismay, I am always looking for new ones.
  • Another symbol of Judaism in our home is the hamsa. As a symbol of protection…I believe, we are well protected. As you enter our home, one can not miss the display of hamsas on the wall. Fifteen is the latest total, arranged in various sizes and designs. Let’s see someone try to harm the Gold Family.
  • We also have a beautiful display of art around the house with an Israeli touch. I guess, when strangers enter our house, they kind of figure we are Jewish and proud of it!
  • A Brotherhood Reminder: Sign up for our Sponsored Defensive Driving Course on Sunday, February 2nd 2020 at 12:30pm. The class fills up quickly, so join us. The flyers are in the Tikvah Times, online or can be found at Temple. In addition, please remember MEN, it is never too late to join Brotherhood. Our membership is at a high for the last 10 years, so why not add to our totals.

As the traditional symbol of the New Year’s Eve ball descends, may everyone have a Healthy New Year!




Co-Presidents - Terry Cutler & Terry Lepzelter

Sisterhood Scoop

  • Of the many symbols Judaism gives us, the Tree of Life allows us to acknowledge where we come from and how far we have come. The tree spreads its branches and connects the generations. Its leaves let us remember our past and present simchas. It gives us comfort to find a special leaf and think about the person or event it honors. It makes us feel warm and safe in this constantly changing world as the tree remains ever strong. It causes us to smile as happy times are brought to mind. As Temple Tikvah’s beautiful Tree of Life keeps growing, may we all find peace and happiness in its sheltering strength.
  • We are proud that Sisterhood works to bring tikkun olam to the world. As the new year starts, we wish for peace and freedom for all people. That is why we work so hard to help Temple Tikvah reach its goals by fundraising and supporting Temple whenever and wherever we can.
  • On that note, thank you to all our great shoppers who found wonderful gifts at our Hanukah Boutique on December 8th. We want to especially thank Michele Gold, Andrea King, and all our volunteers for their hard work in stocking our boutique with so many lovely items.
  • Even the heart of winter can feel warm and inviting at Temple Tikvah. Calling all Sisterhood members…We hope you will reserve your seat for Tuesday, January 7th’s Paint Night. You must RSVP, ASAP to reserve your place. A $10 material fee is due at the door.
  • Looking ahead to February and March we are already working on our Annual Mishloach Project. Look for details to participate in the satisfaction of giving to friends and family. You can even consider being a Temple Sponsor so that your wishes for a Happy Purim can reach all our members. Your support directly helps us support Temple. Look for the flyer in this Issue.

Keep warm and see you all soon!

life long learning

Meryl Root

Lunch & Learn

Rabbi’s Course: “Tough Questions and Talmudic Tales”

  • How do we deal with suffering? How should we treat those we do not like or who disagree with us? What is God's role in our lives?
  • We often think of the Talmud as a purely legal text, but it is more than that; it is also filled with stories that take on theological, spiritual, and ethical questions. Together, we will look at some of these Talmudic tales and discuss what they might show us about our own lives.
  • Please join us for the next session of Lunch & Learn on Saturday, January 18th at 11:30am in the Harris Beber Auditorium for lunch. Part 1 of the Rabbi’s Course will begin at noon. Parts 2 & 3 will be on the following two Thursdays, January 23rd & January 30th at 7:00pm.
  • Please RSVP to by Wednesday, January 15th or to the Office for Part 1 of Rabbi’s Course. Lunch is $10 a session (or $15 for a guest), preferably in advance to the Temple Office.

Learners Service

  • There will be a Learners Shabbat Morning Service at 10:15am in the Sanctuary prior to Lunch & Learn. Join Rabbi Sheinberg and Cantor Bonné for a Shabbat Morning Service that allows time for questions and to learn about the intricacies of the Service. All are welcome.

Torah Study

  • Friday Night Torah Study - ”Torah Without Skipping” with Cantor Guy Bonné will meet on January 3rd and January 17th at 7:00pm.
  • Shabbat Morning Torah Study - Continues every Saturday at 9:00am in the Loretta & George Cohen Library with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We will be finishing B’reshit, The Book of Genesis, mid-month and will then start Shemot, The Book of Exodus. See how this ancient book is still relevant today. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome.

Adult Hebrew Class

  • Adult Hebrew Class is now in its tenth year! Classes continue on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15pm with Cantor Guy Bonné. Adult Hebrew class is now in its tenth year! Classes continue on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15pm with Cantor Guy Bonné. The Cantor is delighted that the class has grown, and we welcome you to also join us. If you are interested in having some fun while learning Hebrew and about Israel, then this is the class for you. This year we will focus on speaking more so that we can talk to the Israeli taxi driver on our next trip! The atmosphere is relaxed and there is plenty of reviewing! Speak to Cantor Bonné for more details.

I wish everyone a very Happy Secular New Year…L’shalom


Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut


  • At this time of year, many of us think about the cold harsh winter ahead, and the celebratory holidays that we have enjoyed. It is hard to think how we celebrated while so many others did not, and what are our reactions to knowing this; how could we have given a helping hand? With these thoughts in mind, we recently read a letter sent to Rabbi Marc Gellman, who has a column in Newsday, called “God Squad.”
  • The writer asked how to react to panhandlers. The writer donates to various causes and charities, but really struggles when faced with beggars/panhandlers. The writer may perhaps think the beggars are scam artists, who might have a Rolls Royce around the corner; or if they do not have a Rolls around the corner, they are just going to use the money for liquor or drugs. Rabbi Gellman replied that this was a terrible argument, not because it is false, but because you have no idea if it is true or false…if they are not truly in need, the sin is theirs, but if they ARE IN NEED, the sin of not helping is OURS.
  • There are other examples about who the beggars are…are they lazy bums, who would rather beg, than go out and get a job. There are more questions that can be asked, yet the answers are not known. However, we look at the situation, begging is humiliating. Rabbi Gellman asks, “What does one dollar mean to you? You nongivers are protecting small change against a great need. When was the last time you were hungry with no food to eat?" Rabbi Gellman continues…”If you still do not know what to do to protect yourself from a drug addict with a Rolls, keep a book of coupons from fast food places or some sandwiches in your car and give the beggars you meet food coupons or actual food.”
  • Our greatness has always come from people who expect nothing and take nothing for granted - folks who work hard for what they have, then reach back and help others after them….MICHELLE OBAMA
  • You are all invited to join our Book Clubs - On January 9th the 1pm Group will be reviewing The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict and on January 15th the 7:30pm Group will be reviewing Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell.
  • The next meeting of the Creative Writing Group will be on Monday, January 27th at 7:00pm.



• Gloria & Larry Konstan in honor of Ruth Selig, for all the wonderful things she does for the Temple Choir • Barbara & Joe Massey in honor of Gloria & Larry Konstan’s friendship •


• Barbara & Joe Massey in honor of Stephen & Cheryle Levine friendship & their generosity and for Giving Tuesday • Alene Schonhaut in honor of Giving Tuesday •


• Esther Krichevsky in appreciation to Rabbi Sheinberg for her words of comfort • Sasha Stern thanks Rabbi Sheinberg for her support and help in preparing for her Bat Mitzvah •

SHMIRA (Security Fund):

• Joan Wiener in honor of her great grandchild • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan •


• Lee Kern in appreciation of Rabbi Sheinberg, Cantor Bonné, and Sasha Stern’s Bat Mitzvah • Barbara Silberman in honor of Giving Tuesday •


• Muriel Adler in memory of Phil Hersh • Maureen & Steve Berman in memory of Edna Berman • Betsy Biviano in memory of Hilda Silver and Kenneth Silver • Bernice Bloch in memory of Florence Bloch and Marion Schiebel • Brotherhood in memory of Carol Leclaire, Morris Cantos, Ben Millstein, Richard Arkin, Dina Zavlick, and Eric Stern • Dr. Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg in memory of Carol Cohen • Nancy Foster in memory of Dr. Milton and Ann Foster • Fran Fredrick in memory of Edgar Daniel • Michele & Marc Gold in memory of Evelyn & Gilbert Gold, Sarah Lasker, and Ann Pauline Gold • Vivien Goldbaum in memory of Elaine Biss • Dean & Nuccia Hernan in memory of Ruth Hernan and David Rosenstroch • Roberta Hoffer in memory of Frances Hoffer • Lois & Richard Howard in memory of Robert Howard and Melanie Weintraub • Phyllis & Joe Horne in memory of Judith Serebnick and Natalie Spector • Deborah & Lawrence Klig in memory of Yehuda Klig • Judy & Joe Kirschner in memory of Elanie Kirschner • Elaine Lasner & Family in memory of Leonard Lasner • Cheryle & Steve Levine in memory of Annette Barbara Levine and Arthur Werner • Marilyn & Andrew Mandell in memory Samuel Mandell • Sandy & David Peskin in memory of Pearl Cohen and Lawrence Hershon • Phyllis & Richard Ravens in memory of Howard Goldberg and Lena Barocas • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg in memory of Rose Rosenberg • Helaine & Edward Schachter in memory of Shirley Levine and Fannie Rosenblum • Susan & Burton Schall in memory of Sara Schall • June & Jack Schwarz in memory of Ellen Schwarz • Claire Shapiro in memory of Morton Linzer, Lila Linzer, and Richard Arkin • Arlene Sheff in memory of Richard Arkin • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of Harriet Kaplan • Burton & Roslyn Tropp in memory of Sol Tropp • Mindy Wagman in memory of Alan Steven Albert • Albert Zavadoff in memory of Shirley Zavadoff •

social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss

Happy New Year!

  • Thanks for a wonderful year of Social Action success!! Thank you for the donations of items, your time, and any monetary contributions you may have made to all of our charitable drives!!!
  • We continued to support an immigrant family that became part of our Temple Family in October of 2018, play a role in the success of RAC/NY’ s first legislative effort in New York’s “Green Light “ Campaign, to allow immigrants in New York to have drivers licenses, and heard Pat Young, Attorney Licensees Advocate for the New York Immigration Coalition. We also became part of the RAC Immigration and Cohort, as well as continued to work with RAC/NY on this year’s legislative priority to be determined early in the new year. And last, but not least we expanded our interfaith relationships culminating in inviting our neighbors to the Sukkah for a joyous evening and had a wonderful Lunch and Learn with State Senator Anna Kaplan.
  • Those who attended the Lunch and Learn had a delicious vegan lunch with limited use of paper and disposables. We have joined the RAC Climate Cohort and take our role as masters of the earth as an obligation to truly serve and care for the planet. We have the power to end our Temple’s role in the degradation of the earth by ending our use of paper and plastic when we eat in Temple. It may seem silly, but it is time to start cleaning dishes and utensils. We will also discuss offering foods that have a smaller footprint on the planet. When individuals or small groups change their behavior, they are taking a step toward reversing damage. Please express your intention to join the group or let other Temple members know how you feel. Let’s make a personal decision to act as a steward of the earth. Please contact any one of us and/or Rabbi Sheinberg to learn more about this effort.
  • Elaine Brooks - 718.217.6065 • Judy Kirschner – 917.270.2705 • Elaine Weiss – 917.658.4955

Let’s make a personal decision act as a steward of the earth!

in loving memory





Created with images by FotoRieth - "challah shabbat challah board" • Banni Fuentes - "Frida Kahlo House | Study" • exoteric - "sundial clock old"
