Tech2Teach Monthly CCISD Office of instructional technology - November Issue 

Digital Mascot Contest

Brainpop has Moby. Geico has the Gecko… and CCISD Office of Instructional Technology has ???

Here's what we do…

The mission of the Office of Instructional Technology is to provide leaders, educators, and learners the resources necessary to use technology as a tool to achieve their educational and operational goals. The Instructional Technology Team is made up of a diverse group of individuals with backgrounds in all content areas, technology hardware and software expertise, web design, video production, and instructional strategies. Each member has been trained in four major areas: Web 2.0, Devices, SMART Notebook, and Google Drive.

Here’s a few links to our work…

Open to CCISD Students and Employees.

  1. Create a digital mascot design that would best represent the Corpus Christi ISD Office of Instructional Technology.
  2. Once you have created your character, send your file to with the title IT Mascot
  3. All entries must be received by 5:00 PM CST on Friday, December 11, 2015.
  4. All submissions must be ORIGINAL ARTWORK.
  5. Your character must be in one of the following formats: JPG file or PNG file. At least 300 dpi size 8.5 x 11
  6. No other formats will be accepted.
  8. All entries become the property of Corpus Christi ISD.
  9. Student submissions must include the following information in your email
  • First and Last Name
  • Campus
  • Grade Level
  • Homeroom Teacher Name (Elementary Students Only.)
  • Student ID # (Secondary Students Only.)


App of the month

Class Dojo

ClassDojo is a digital classroom management app with all kinds of bells and whistles! It’s customizable. Allows for parent communication. Will translate posts into other languages. Requires a code to join as a privacy feature. And is completely FREE! Watch the video to find out more.

Tech Teachers of the Month!

Elementary Tech Teacher

Corie Kaminski

Corie Kaminski

Not a day goes by that you won’t find Robert Wilson Elementary first grade teacher,Corie Kaminski integrating technology in her lessons. She’s spent 4 of 5 years teaching first grade.

Following in her mother Penny’s footsteps, Corie became a teacher to inspire her students to love reading and grow both academically and socially. She attributes everything she knows about being a great teacher to her mom.

Great teachers have great classroom management skills. Corie uses Classdojo, our App of the Month, to help her manage her classroom and communicate with parents. We asked Miss Kaminski to tell us about how she uses Classdojo in her first grade classroom. This is what she had to say.

The benefits of using ClassDojo are fast and easy texting with your parents-WITHOUT having to give your personal cell phone number. The parents are able to ask questions about behavior points, homework, upcoming events, and more. I am also able to send out reminders to all the parents at one time or only to certain parents.

Another great benefit to this app is INSTANT behavior notifications. The parents are notified when their student earns or loses a classroom dojo point. Finally, I am able to share pictures of what is going on in our classroom via the Classroom Story. Only our parents are able to see these pictures! They love being able to see many activities that we are doing in the classroom.

Even better, the class’s behavior, as a whole, has been mostly positive since the downloading and implementing of the Classdojo app. The parent communication has also increased due to the fast response and the ability for parents to ask right when they need an answer.

I recommend Classdojo because it is the perfect go-to app for parent communication, classroom behavior management, and sharing pictures with just our parents. The number of positive responses I have gotten from parents is overwhelming. Parents love this app as much as I do.

Corie goes on to explain that technology is all around us! It is always being updated and closing the technological gap with her students is awesome. They not only are learning from the technology they use, but they are engaged and immersed in the lessons.

Miss Kaminski’s class uses iPads for guided reading and center groups. Her first graders play educational games on the SMARTboard and really enjoy Plickers activities she prepares for them to review their learning.

Tech Teacher Principal

Dr. Olivia Ballesteros

Dr. Olivia Ballesteros, principal at Crockett elementary, has decided to “liven” up the Campus Handbook. Dr. Ballesteros attended the 2015 ASCD Ignite Conference where she learned how to create livebinders. She took the information that she learned during her session and applied it to the campus handbook to make the information readily accessible, easy to modify, and share with her staff. Dr. Ballesteros is an excellent example of applying what you learn right away to increase awareness of all the cool WEB 2.0 application teachers and principals can be using. When asked how your teachers are responding to the new Live Binder handbook Ballesteros said, “teachers and staff use the binder to access the Crockett Handbook electronically. Since the Live Binder is updated as items change, such as schedules.. the teachers and staff always have the most current version.” She also stated that she would recommend using a Live Binder because she can bookmark for easy access to update as needed.

Flubaroo is a Google Sheets Add-On that you will grade your tests for you!

Teachers, do you...

  • Not have enough time for grading?
  • Want useful measurements on student performance?
  • Need a free solution to help?

If so, then Flubaroo can help!

Grade online assignments in under a minute!

Get reporting and analysis on student performance!

Email students their scores.

Red Book Reference

Chapter 3

How can I use technology to establish and maintain classroom rules and procedures?

Element 4 : Establishing and Maintaining Classroom Rules and Procedures

Element 5 : Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom

Element 4 Highlights

Explain rules and procedures to students

Engage students in discussions about classroom rules and procedures.

Generate multimedia presentations to demonstrate students’ understanding of rules and procedures

Use SMART Notebook or Prezi software to incorporate videos, images, sounds, and important text

Generate rules and procedures with students using technology to gather student ideas

Class pledge or classroom constitution can be created using word processing software.

Behavior contracts can be made for free at

Vignettes and role playing can be digitally recorded for students who don't prefer to perform live

Element 5 Highlights

Layout speaks volumes about a teacher's beliefs and values

A technology-enhanced class should consider learning centers and involving students in the design process

Where to put the technology and other resources is dependent on many variables including:

  • How many
  • Location in relation to resources
  • Where students face
  • Flow of movement in the classroom
  • How and when technology tools will be used

Set up and record the classroom to observe student movement patterns

Involve students in the design of the classroom

Use Google, Lucidcharts, or other technology tools to allow students to collaborate and design their ideal classroom

Have students browse and research the internet for classroom designs. Allow students/student groups to present their design ideas using presentation software, a digital drawing program, interactive whiteboard software, Google Drive, Prezi, etc. Vote on the best design using polling software on their mobile devices.

Read about Ms. Kushner who uses technology to enhance the formation of rules and procedures in her classroom, as well as, to organize the physical layout of her room.

Pages 42-44 of Magana and Marzano's Enhancing the Art & Science of Teaching with Technology.

Technology Spotlight November

-End User Support Group-

Back row: Trent Westbrook, Jack Martinez, Chris Gonzalez, Marco Sarabia, Ryan Eggett, Raymond Lumampao, Joe Guzman, Josh Reyes, Omar Sandoval, Rudolph Llanes, and Tony Cantu. Front row: Lydia Krause, Cynthia Salas, Esmeralda Lopez, Beth Hall, and Lisa Perez.

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