1. Cleaning
2. Figure of 8
5. Forecast
6. OCL's
7. Deployment
8. Fix my restaurant
9. HMS
Cleaning: Cleaning rota is 2 kind. One is weekly and other is daily. So, when we shift runners are printing out the deployment plan we already giving our staff some extra task what we can call daily cleaning rota and weekly cleaning rota is most of the time depends on cleaning machine, removing a section and cleaning underneath etc
We doing our figure of 8 based on 3 part. Food safety, health & safety and brand standard.
What also include is the cleanliness of FOH, MOH AND BOH. The amount of..., evidence of cross contamination, temperature of machine, damage of floor, uniform standard, security check etc.
FORECAST: Where we can check the position of our store right now compare by last year or last week and what will be our next step. From very recent information we have to check and change forecast 4 time in every shift.
OCL'S: It gives us an idea of a staff how much he/she know about the section where they standing. Also base on that we can give our staff cross training in any other section if needed.
DEPLOYMENT: Here is the place where we can decide who will run which section. If someone needs cross training we can put that on there secondary job.
FMR: Fix My Restaurant. This part of our core process we can find in BOH computer.
HMS: This is our last core process of the list. Here we can check how many people applied for job. Who are able to get this job and whom we can recruit if needed.
Dear listener, these are our 9 core process what we can call backbone of KFC. Thank you.