The Biblical Magazine By: John Mason Omer and Connor Winters

The Ten Plagues

Does God Break one of his own commandments?:

During the plagues many people and animals died. One of God's commandments was that you shall not kill. expectantly the 10th plague. God kills every Egyptian first born. God is basically getting revenge for when the Egyptians killed all of the Hebrew boys. God also kills poor defenseless animals. He turns the Nile into blood. He gives everyone un heal-able boils. He also destroys the Egyptians food and burns their city to the ground. Why does God do this? Because he has favorites. We brought in Moses, God's messenger.

  • Moses: "God only killed the Egyptians because Pharaoh wouldn't cooperate."
  • Reporter: "So, God uses violence to solve his problems."
  • Moses: "No, he wants to have everyone be treated equal. He doesn't want people torturing other people."
  • Reporter: "Why did God chose the Hebrew people?"
  • Moses: "He chose us because of Abraham. We are Abraham's decedents."
  • Reporter: "Thank you, Moses it was a pleasure having you."
  • Reporter: "Thank you, Moses it was a pleasure having you."

The First 5 plagues:

  • The 1st Plague: "The Nile turns to blood" First, the waters of the land of Egypt were to be turned into blood. .It was impossible for them to drink of the water of the Nile.
  • The 2nd plague: "Frogs":Aaron stretched forth his hand over the waters of Egypt, and frogs swarmed forth.
  • The 3rd plague: "Gnats" Then God ordered Aaron to strike the dust of the earth with his staff, and as he did gnats crawled forth from the dust to cover the land. Man and beast suffered untold misery from this terrible plague.
  • The 4th plague:"Flies" Then God sent hoards of flies. They harassed the men and the beasts. They left disease and death.
  • The 5th plague: "Disease of the livestock." Then God sent disease that killed all of the cows sheep and other animals. This left the Egyptians hungry.

The Final 5 plagues:

  • The 6th plague: "Boils":God sent boils that burst upon man and beast throughout the land of Egypt.
  • The 7th plague - "Hail" The hail did its work of destruction; man and beast who were exposed to it died on the spot; the grass were blown away by the wind, and the trees lay destroyed on the ground.
  • The 8th plague: "Locust":The east wind brought swarms of locusts into Egypt, devouring everything green that had escaped the hail and previous plagues.
  • The 9th plague: "darkness": For several days all of Egypt was enveloped in a thick blanket of darkness which extinguished all of the lights.
  • The 10th plague: "Death of the Firstborns": Then God sent the Angel of Death to kill all of the Firstborns in Egypt. God sparred the Israelite's babies by telling them to but lam's blood on their doors.

Letter to the Editor

Hi this is Joe. I'm a Israelite and I want to know why you think God was braking one of his commandments. First of all the Commandments weren't even created yet. Second off God only did it to stop the Egyptians from torturing other people. God also never said, that he couldn't kill. He just said that he wouldn't wipe out mankind. Third he only killed a small number of people, who could have been saved if Pharaoh weren't so cruel. Also you weren't facing all of the punishment we got. We got beaten every day and had to build monster like buildings. Also all of those plagues except for the 10th plague effected us to so God doesn't have favorites.

Created with images by Ryk Neethling - "Open Bible"

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