Healthy Food =Happy Life know your food!

Why are fruits and vegetables important in your diet?

they contain necessary Daily vitamins & minerals, Plus the fiber your body needs

Make at least half the grains you eat whole grains...which have fiber, and will keep you feeling full longer.

beware: White flour, white rice, and other processed foods have almost no nutrients or fiber unless it has been added or "Enriched"

Will Eating "fat" make you fat? No, Olive oil is a heart-healthy fat with Omega 3's necessary for brain function and promotes "good" cholesterol, while "bad" cholesterol contributes to high blood pressure and heart disease.

One serving of Peanut Butter is only 2 Tablespoons and has 180 calories/ 130 fat. While high in calories, it is a healthy fat and great source of Protein.

Avocados are high in good fat and are super healthy!

Crisco shortening, and margarine contain hydrogenate oils...which are highly processed to be solid at room temperature and are very bad for your cholestoral. Coconut oil is naturally solid at room temperature, but is actually healthy for you in many ways.

Dairy products provide calcium & vitamin D to help keep bones strong.

It is best to choose low-fat cheese, or skim milk because these animal fats can be unhealthy in excess. Yogurt often has as much fat & sugar as ice cream.
While red meat is high in protein, it is also high in bad fat which can cause high cholesterol and contribute to heart disease if eaten frequently. Select lean cuts of meat (90and trim excess fat.
Poultry is a better protein choice than red meat, but can still be high in fat. Trim off excess fat and skin and do not deep fry! Many chickens are genetically modified and given steroids and anti-biotics which may have unknown risks.
Seafood provides "good" cholesterol and is high in protein. Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids which is also good for your heart and brain development.
Whole Wheat can contain as much as 18% protein. Protein keeps you feeling full longer and will metabolize slower. White flour has almost no protein and is a simple carb, which converts to sugar quickly.
Legumes (Beans) are very inexpensive, high in protein and can be stored for years and not lose their nutritional value.
Nuts are a helthy, convenient snack, but also high in fats. One serving (1/4 cup) has 190 calories...180 from fat. Pay attention to portion size!
Seeds are also great for snacking.
Eggs have gotten a bad reputation, but are actually very nutritious and high in protein, especially the yolks. Fresh eggs are better than commercially farmed and store bought.
What is the daily recommended calories for an adult? How many calories do you normally eat per day?
Fast Food can Super Size You, too! This meal may actually be more than 2000 calories with bottomless fries, and ketchup, and "free" refills on soda...This is becoming largely popular and too common among Americans.
Do you know what a serving size looks like? 2000 Calories Daily is recommended for a healthy adult. Start reading labels and finding out just what & how much you are eating. Watch out for these unhealthy ingredients as the first 5: Sugar or high fructose corn syrup, bleached flour, saturated fats, and high sodium. (These are just a few common ones!)

Many Americans are obese (overweight) because of eating the too much of the wrong kinds of foods and not exercising regularly.

Are any of these unhealthy habits in your daily diet? The National Health Institute estimates that you must burn close to 7000 calories to lose 1 pound of fat... or 524 Burpies to burn off 1 large fry.
Obesity is nothing to laugh about. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both Men & Women in the USA. Type II Diabetes affects 1 out of 4 seniors, and is becoming an epidemic among young people as well. This could be prevented with proper diet & regular exercise!

This Spark was created by MRs. Erika Rand

Created with images by DC Central Kitchen - "Lunch at DCPS on 10/10/12: Buffalo Chicken Tender, Whole Wheat Roll, Black Eyed Peas, Fresh Broccoli, Local Pear & Milk" • Aproximando Ciência e Pessoas - "Frutas e Vegetais" • Army Medicine - "6-Half-your-plate" • junyaogura - "Pasta" • MINEMA - "bread whole wheat bread eat" • arincrumley - "macrobiotic dish brown rice kale brocoli" • annafood - "oatmeal coconut breakfast" • evitaochel - "cracker bread whole grain" • kalleboo - "Popcorn :D" • stevepb - "olive oil salad dressing cooking" • JeepersMedia - "Jif Peanut Butter" • stux - "avocado lemon food" • YIM Hafiz - "Coconut" • biancamentil - "dessert sweet sweet dish" • jspatchwork - "20070704 cheese plate" • Muffet - "egg and milk choices" • KaiChanVong - "Cooking" • Meditations - "appetite barbecue barbeque" • TeJyng - "cuisine food fish" • cheeseslave - "Sprouted Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread" • David, Bergin, Emmett and Elliott - "untitled image" • chornamariya - "Nuts" • Rachel Tayse - "pumpkin seeds" • John Loo - "Eggs" • terren in Virginia - "Red Robin Burger" • JeepersMedia - "Spongebob Kids Breakfast Cereal" • ColumbusCameraOp - "McSnt (aka Mc Surf & Turf)" • danijeljw - "20141007_IMG_3416.jpg" • m01229 - "Chocolate McDonalds Shake" • yajico - "IHOP" • mayeesherr. - "glee" • Mads Boedker - "Cereals" • lizasperling - "Big Gulp!" • David Berkowitz - "7-Eleven Food with Zynga codes for" • wellcome images - "A souvenir postcard from the 1920s"

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