Jack Drinks Alcohol DestrOyS from as thE beginning

Alcohol is very dangerous for teens.it has adverse effects on the brain.Adolescent brain is more sensitive than the adult brain.So a teenager who drinks is less concentrated than a teenager who does not drink.Alcohol is also very harmful to the liver.The liver is the organ that suffer the most from excessive alcohol consumption:alcohol causes cirrhosis : destruction of cells.Alcohol causes also heart failure.Alcohol can lead us to prison:We mustn't be drunk driving.We mustn't sell alcohol to minors. To avoid falling into alcohol,we should inquire about the harmful effects of alcohol. Then we should communicate with our parents about alcohol. Instead of drinking you could play sports,out with friends ,to make you have the urge to drink.You could also spend time with your family.If you have a trouble switching from alcohol you could take to association as Alcoholics Anonymous.If you have a trouble switching from alcohol, you could also see a psychologist.
Created with images by Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library - "Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver"

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