Alcohol & Driving By: Abbi & SophiA

According to the 2010 CDC survey, adults drank to much and got behind the wheel 112million times. Everyday 28 people die in drunk driving crashes, which is one every 52 minutes. 16% of all fatal crashes are drunk driving during the week. 31% are drunk driving on the weekend.

Crashed car


In Missouri for the year of 2011 30% of all traffic fatalities in Missouri involved an impaired driver, 218 people were killed and 867 were seriously injured.

Alcohol: what is it ?

The active ingredient in alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol. It is a depressant. It slows down the function of all living cells, especially those in the brain.

Alcohol: what does it affect ?

Alcohol affects the brain. The brain is the most sensitive organ to alcohol. The brain controls safe driving skills.

The lie of alcohol:

As a drinking person's skills are being impaired, the drinker usually feels these skills are sharper and quicker than normal.


The ability to make sound and responsible decisions.


The ability to shift attention from one point of action to another.


The ability to understand situations, signs, and signals.


The ability to coordinate motor skills.


The ability to see and hear clearly


The ability to see and understand a situation, then take an action.

Alcohol: What is a drink ?

The concentration of hard liquor is measured in proof to determine the concentration, divide the proof by two.

Blood Alcohol Concentration

  • A BAC of 0.10% is equal to one-tenth of one percent of a person's blood is alcohol.
  • BAC is measured by breath, blood or urine test.
  • If you refuse to submit to a chemical test to determine your BAC, your driver license will be taken away for one year.

Alcohol: Absorption

As alcohol enters the body, it passes from the mouth, down the esophagus, into the stomach and on to the small intestine.

Absorption Rate Factors

  • Food
  • Carbonated
  • Note

Alcohol: Distribution

Absorbed alcohol is rapidly carried throughout the body in the blood with approximately the same concentration. The concentration may vary in different organs, including the brain.

Distribution Factors

  • Body Fat
  • Body weight
  • Body type
  • These three factors all contribute to typical differences between males and females.

Alcohol: Elimination

The liver is responsible for the elimination of alcohol. The liver estimates 95% of ingested alcohol from the body through oxidation. On Average, a person will eliminate 0.5 ounces of alcohol (nearly one standard drink) per hour.

Elimination Factors

  • Rate of consumption (amount + Time)
  • Metabolic Tolerance
  • Functional Tolerance

Other factors related to Impairment

  • Expectations
  • Medications / Other Drugs
  • Fatigue
  • Mood
  • Tiredness
  • Illness

Alcohol and the Brain

The first portion of the brain to be affected is the cerebrum which is responsible for controlling the senses, speech, understanding, and judgement. Drinkers often feel the manual skills have been improved due to an impairment in judgement, when in reality their reaction times are slowed and their muscle coordination is less efficient. If a person continues to drink, the body protects it self from farther damage by falling asleep or passing out.

The Developing Brain

The adolescent brain is designed to learn However, the characteristics that lend it to acquire information, adapt, and learn, also render it more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol on the brain. Alcohol damages neurons and alters developing parts of the adolescent brain still forming.

Abuse vs. Addiction


  • Minors
  • Drink to get drunk
  • To be social / All plans revolve around it.
  • Black outs / DWI / risky behaviors
  • Parental roles / employment


  • Drinking larger amounts over a longer time than intended
  • Spending a considerable time to get, use, and recover from alcohol
  • Increased tolerance to the effects of alcohol

The irrefutable law of Alcohol(drugs)

If you put it in your body it will have an effect.

Having a BAC of 0.02-0.03%

Having a BAC of 0.04-0.06%

Having a BAC of 0.07-0.09%

Created with images by HM Revenue & Customs - "Operation Biarritz - Alcohol" • Piotrg255 - "accident auto crash" • kopper - "Vintage 19th-Century Map of Missouri" • joshuaheller - "33% alcohol" • IsaacMao - "Brain" • dmartinigirl - "A perfectly served Corona" • punctuated - "Hot Wings" • Arne Hendriks - "Female Body Type" • jarmoluk - "the bottle alcohol the drink"

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