
King Cobras Gavin.C


Have you heard of the infamous King cobra? A King cobra's venom is a deadly neurotoxin. Also, their hoods, are actually ribs! Their all time biggest fear is a mongoose, but the King cobras diet mostly consists of other snakes. Another thing you should know is that the longest King cobra is 18.8 feet long (5.7 meters)!

King Cobras vs Komodo Dragons

King cobras and Komodo Dragons have a lot of similarities and differences. First, King cobras can weigh about 22 pounds while Komodo Dragons can weigh about 154 pounds. Also, King cobras prefer to swallow their prey whole. Instead, Komodo Dragons like to tear their prey apart. They also have some similarities. Both are very powerful reptiles. Similarly they like to eat some of their own species. They also taste the air around them by using their forked tongues.

King cobra vs Komodo Dragon

Order and Sequence

Below is the entire life cycle of a king cobras life.

Stage 1: First, King cobras can lay up to 20-40 eggs. It takes up to 60-80 days to hatch. When they do hatch, their diet mostly consists of frogs, birds, or chicks. They are also called hooded hatchlings.

Snake cracking out of its shell.

Stage 2: While being young, the mother looks after their babies by staying at the nest, while also watching her babies. They also go out looking for food for the babies to eat. When they grow up, they are basically independent creatures.

Baby king cobra eating a rat

Stage 3: When at adult age, they run away unless it is provoked. Also, while hunting, it will inject its fangs into the prey, injecting its neurotoxin, killing the animal. But it will attack when in self defense or while protecting its eggs. When a King cobra raises its hood, it uses it as a defense mechanism, saying it will attack.

King cobra waiting for dinner

Stage 4: A King cobra dies around the age of 20 years old. It at least has time to lay eggs and hunt for their babies. Also, they always protect their eggs at adult age.

Problem and Solution

Problem: King cobras are a part of the Red List of Threatened Species.

King cobra in a cage

Solution: Stop destroying the King cobras habitat. We can do this by not destroying the homes of the cobras and going somewhere else.

Cause and Effect

Cause: King cobra strikes it's target

King cobra watches a mouse closely

Effect: 1: The venom makes the target paralyzed and causes damage to blood cells to the target of the cobra. While this is all happening, the venom goes through the target's veins and harms the body tissue.

Effect 2: The venom also causes major heart and lung problems, causing death if not treated properly.

If humans are treated quickly, they can survive a King Cobra bite.

Fun Facts!

1. The female King cobras build the nests.

2. King cobras use sound to defend themselves

3. They are called "King" cobras because they have a strict diet of snakes.

4. King cobras are the most intelligent snake alive today.

5. The King cobra is the longest venomous snake ever.


1: Infamous: Legendary

2: Neurotoxin: A poison that attacks the nervous system

3: Diet: What something or someone eats

4: Independent: Free spirited

5: Mechanism: Method or technique

6: Habitat: the natural habitat

7: Strict: Firm

8: Intelligent: Smart

9: Venomous: Toxic to the body


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