The Elizabethan Era karlos martinez period 2


The Elizabethan Era was a very productive time period that was important for its religion, William Shakespeare, and Queen Elizabeth herself.

Queen Elizabeth I

Quote: " Elizabethan Age, or Elizabethan Era, was a period of English history during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I , from 1558 to 1603. Elizabeth was a strong ruler who gained the loyalty and admiration of her subjects. The Elizabethan Age is sometimes called the Golden Age , because it was a time of great achievement in England ."(Elizabethan 1).

Commentary: The Elizabethan era was a time of progress and prosper for great England. All of her subjects loved queen Elizabeth because of how she admired her subjects.

Original Thinking: Elizabethan times were a great time with a good ruler as well, this quote gives brief background information on the time and on how the land was ruled. That era seemed to be very wealthy in its population and at peace, that era might have also had a very wealthy and successful economy.

Quote: "Under Elizabeth, England advanced in many areas. Merchants formed a great trading company, the East India Company, in 1600. Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, and other daring English adventurers explored the Caribbean and the coasts of North and South America. English literature flowered during Elizabeth's reign with the works of such great writers as Francis Bacon, Ben Jonson, Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, and—above all—William Shakespeare. Notable composers from this period include Thomas Tallis and William Byrd."(United) 2

Commentary: Elizabeth era prospered in many areas from literature to merchants and selling items. Many other countries started to trade with Britain for resources from South America to the Caribbean.

Original Thinking: All of theses small details are what build up Britain to become such a great country and helped them succeed so far. Elizabeth helped Britian flourish into something great with the help of others.

Quote: "The reign of Elizabeth I was a prosperous period. Clothiers (clothmakers) had organized their expanding industry into the domestic system. By this system, they bought wool from farmers, distributed it to spinners and weavers who worked at home, and then sold or exported the finished cloth. The clothiers offered good prices for wool, and sheep farming became profitable."(United)

Commentary: Other ways that Elizabethan era helped prosper was the clothiers, they imported and exported finished cloth to other people or countries for a good price. The clothiers made their wool and clothing very affordable and understandable which may off helped a lot.

Original Thinking: People who made clothes were contributed to the prosperity of the Elizabethan Era. They used wool from farmers and made clothes with weavers and also made cloth.

Quote: "An Irish rebellion and a worsening economy darkened the final years of Elizabeth’s reign. The Elizabethan Age ended with Elizabeth’s death in 1603. Elizabeth was succeeded by James VI, the Protestant son of Mary Stuart." (Bumgarder).

Commentary: Queen Elizabeth I had a very long and prosperous reign, however it was ended due to a rebellion and economic recession. The queen died in 1603 and the son of Mary Stuart, James VI, took power.

Original Thinking: The last years of her life didn't reflect on London well, as many people were in poverty and violent rebellion broke out often. The people who lived in this era must have been very scared because they didn't have a lot of money.

William Shakespeare

Quote: " In the latter half of Elizabeth’s reign, she actively persecuted Catholics. Some radical forms of Protestantism also were not tolerated. A number of people were executed for activity opposing the established church. By law, such action could be regarded as treason. In 1587, Elizabeth executed her cousin Mary Stuart , the former Catholic queen of Scotland ." (Bumgardner).

Commentary: In the Elizabethan Era, Queen Elizabeth I persecuted Catholics often. Mary Stuart was the Catholic Queen of Scotland and was also a cousin to Queen Elizabeth, but that didn't stop her from being killed because of her religion.

Original Thinking: People who opposed the selected religion were convicted of treason. Many people were killed because of this and Irish rebellion started to occur.

Quote: "Elizabeth became queen in 1558. During Elizabeth’s reign, she achieved a religious settlement that established a moderately Protestant Church of England as the country’s national church." (Bumgardner).

Commentary: As soon as Queen Elizabeth took power, she established the Protestant Church of England as the country's national religion. This meant that any other religions or faiths were not permitted and punishable by death.

Original Thinking:It must have been very hard for people that lived in the Elizabethan Era who were not Protestant because that was the only religion that was allowed. In today's society people can have any religion that they want.

Quote: "Under Henry's successors, King Edward VI and Queen Mary I, disputes took place over whether the church was to be primarily Protestant or Roman Catholic. Their successor, Queen Elizabeth I, established a compromise between the two positions. In 1559, she restored the independence of the Church of England with a new Act of Supremacy." (Williams).

Commentary: The rulers who successed King Henry, were King Edward VI and Queen Mary I, they disputed whether the religion of England would be Protestant or Roman Catholic. In 1559, Queen Elizabeth I established the Church of England with the Act of Supremacy.

Original Thinking: The people living in England during the Elizabethan Era were worried about what the religion of England would be because if their religion wasn't chosen then they would have to convert.


Quote: "Shakespeare wrote his plays to suit the abilities of particular actors and the tastes of specific audiences. The physical structure of the theaters in which his works were presented also influenced his play writing. He used many dramatic devices that were popular in the Elizabethan theater but are no longer widely used. Modern readers and theatergoers can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays more fully if they know about the various theatrical influences that helped shape them."(William the Elizabethan theater).

Commentary: During the Elizabethan period the queen made Shakespeare a theater for him named the Elizabethan theater. Progress during the time was amazing being able to have a theater such as that one and have many people moving into London.

Original Thinking: The success Elizabeth had was great being able to support such projects and having many country people moving towards the city. Having such loyal subjects ruling must have been easy and very successful.

Quote: "Throughout the 1590’s, Shakespeare’s reputation continued to grow. From 1594 to 1608, he was fully involved in the London theater world. In addition to his duties as a sharer and actor in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, he wrote an average of almost two plays a year for his company. During much of this period, Shakespeare ranked as London’s most popular playwright, based on the number of times his plays were performed and published. But his reputation was largely that of a popular playwright, not of a writer of unequaled genius."(William).

Commentary: William Shakespeare brought a lot of attention to London and theater even while it as considered a devilish act and at the time much of London was Roman Catholic. Shakespeare was a great when it came to writing and creating many master pieces.

Original Thinking: Shakespeare is a world renounced poet and play writer that will always be know for his plays. He has made plays that still play to this day that would make millions of dollars a year, he made plays into a much bigger and better thing.

Quote: "Shakespeare's London had grown from 120,000 inhabitants in 1550 to 200,000 by 1600. By 1650, London contained 375,000 people. This exceptional population growth is remarkable considering London’s high mortality rate. The crowded and unsanitary city often experienced outbreaks of plague that regularly reduced the population. Sewage flowed in open ditches that drained into the Thames, and overbuilding led to slum conditions in many parts of the city. However, London continued to grow as the result of a massive flow of migrants, like Shakespeare himself, from the English countryside."(William England of Shakespeare day 2).

Commentary: Over time London became a center for plays while the population kept increasing. So many more people rushed to move into London in the 1550 to 1600 from the countryside like Shakespeare himself.

Original Thinking: It fits also to that London has been center of popularity and has always been center of attention to go to. Shakespeare helped London reach its peak on population from all the attention he was bringing to his plays.


Anderson, Robert. “William Shakespeare’s Liife.” Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 776-77.

Bumgardner, Jake. “Elizabethan Age.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.

“Elizabethan Age.” World Book Advanced. World Book Advanced. Bumgardner, Jake. “Elizabethan Age.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 8 Dec. 2016.

Elizabethan World. Gale Virtual Reference Library. “Elizabethan World.” Elizabethan World Reference Library, edited by Sonia G. Benson and Jennifer York Stock, vol. 1: Almanac, UXL, 2007, p. [xxiv]. Gale Virtual Reference Library

History Reference Center. EBSCO eBook Collection. History Today, May2003, Vol. 53 Issue 5, p71

Lander, Jesse M. “Shakespeare, William.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

Williams, Peter W. “Church of England.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.

William Shakespeare.Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, Q2 2016,


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