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England Hockey - Diploma in Sporting Excellence : 2024-26 Programme Guidance

Vision and Mission for DiSE

To develop an oversupply of players who can ably transition into the England U18, England U21 and GB Elite Development Programmes with the potential to be world-leading senior internationals, whilst also having a positive impact on the domestic club game

Aligning Talent Development with England Hockey strategic mission, which see the DiSE programme provide an access opportunity for players who can demonstrate the appropriate level of current performance and future potential who may not be able to access high-quality coaching and other resources in their day-to-day hockey environments

Aspiring to the Great Britain Hockey Complete Player Qualities shown below, DiSE will deliver environments facilitating the development of robust, resilient and effective decision-makers and highly skilled players who are able to consistently execute technically, tactically and physically in the context of performance hockey

Implement an inspirational developmental culture, where players take individual and collective responsibility for their performance, habits and behaviours on the field of play and beyond

DiSE will also support the development of skills and knowledge that may be applied in the workplace


What is DiSE?

The Diploma in Sporting Excellence (DiSE) replaced the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE) programme in 2018. It is a two year, Department for Education (DfE) funded programme. It is a unique sporting qualification designed to meet the needs of student athletes who exhibit the potential to achieve excellence in their sport.

The DiSE is a two year education programme which is delivered alongside a conventional state funded study programme of education or training for students aged 16-18years.

The main focus of the programme is to support those young athletes, some of whom might otherwise have dropped out of education, identified and recruited into formal performance development programmes. It seeks to deliver a complementary study programme, allowing students to combine sport and education, so that they have the skills, knowledge and qualifications to pursue a dual career in high level sport alongside seperate paid employment in the future.

The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sporting Excellence is aimed at talented sports performers identified by England Hockey and provides athletes with the opportunity to gain skills, competencies and knowledge in performing within the performance sports training and competition environment

The learning programme supports the key messages which all higher-performing hockey players are required to understand. It is also aligned to other areas of education such as Clean Sport and Health and Safety

Sports Aid are the current custodians of the DiSE programme, awarding places to National Governing Bodies, aligned to the vision and principles of Sport England. Each year and upon receipt of their allocated places, England Hockey, in partnership with Loughborough College, provides a structured training and development route for high potential hockey players

Units and topics covered on DiSE

DiSE Dual Career Pathway

DiSE is funded by DfE, owned by Sport England and governed by Sports Aid on their behalf, as a dual career pathway for athletes who have been recognised and nominated by their National Governing Body as having high potential

How does DiSE work?

The 2024-2026 DiSE programme will run over two academic years, from October 2024-May 2025. It is delivered through a blend of camp-based training, hub-based training and remote interactions, supported by coaches, specialist practitioners and tutors

Camp-based and hub-based training will take place during the first year of the programme; these are typically held in school holidays or at weekends

Learning is evidenced through:

Various assessment methods such as written reports, feedback and video recordings

Progress reviews via online Teams calls, completed every 10-12 weeks with a college tutor

Recorded professional discussions completed with a Loughborough College tutor

Training Diary to record training and competition hours

Why Loughborough College?

Loughborough College are an approved partner of England Hockey who are committed to deliver quality and excellence to all learners enrolled on any education programme including DiSE

Please click below to find out more about why and how England Hockey partner with Loughborough College to deliver DiSE:

Loughborough College: Further Information

Delivery dates can be seen below

All residential camps are scheduled to be held at Lilleshall National Sports Centre

Hub Days

Talent Hub Days represent a unique opportunity for players to train with and be coached by England Age Group players and coaches. There will be six hub, with players accessing the hub which is either most local to them or aligned to the Talent Academy cluster they represented in 2023/24.

Hub Days will be a blend of pitch based and classroom activity.

Talent Hub Locations are to be confirmed - Draft schedule

What happens after the delivery taking place in Year 1?

September 2025 - April 2026: We recognise that players will be entering Year 13 and we understand your academic studies will take priority. We require players to engage as follows: athletes will be required to continue their hockey training in their own environments and complete 4-5 online conversations with their Loughborough College tutor to complete their qualification

England Hockey’s commitment to inclusion

England Hockey is committed to developing a meritocratic and inclusive talent pathway. To achieve this England Hockey seeks to:

Expose the highest potential players to a high frequency of quality training and competition experiences, providing the right opportunities to realise their individual and collective potential

Proactively identify and remove prohibitive barriers, so it is attractive and accessible to a larger pool of talented sports people who have the potential to develop into high-performing hockey players

England Hockey’s commitment to inclusion

Sport England have been appointed by the government to oversee the operating standards and governance of the DiSE programme across all 25 participating sports. England Hockey’s positioning of DiSE is in line with Sport England investment approach in talent pathways. They have been very clear around their inclusion and diversity agenda related to Talent

“We will also support national governing bodies to explore any cultural, structural, operational or administrative barriers within their talent pathways, which might be limiting their appeal in attracting promising talent or leading to a loss of talent through the pathway”. Sport England Talent Plan

In evolving our inclusivity strategy, specifically aligned to the awarding body, England Hockey will be prioritising enrolment onto the DiSE programme for those players who will be in full-time, state funded education, which may include a full time apprenticeship.

Who will be receiving this information and who should apply?

We will be inviting all age-eligible players from the 2023-24 Talent Academy cohort to consider enrolling on the programme

We will be inviting all age eligible players from the 2023-24 England Age Group programmes to consider enroling on the programme

We will be inviting all newly enrolled, age-eligible players from the 2024-25 Talent Academy cohort to consider enrolling on the programme. These players will be engaged at the end of September 2024 and only if we continue to have places available on the programme

Why are we extending invitations to all these players?

The age criteria means that players must be entering into Year 12 from September 2024. As this is the point immediately after GCSEs we know many players elect to change schools or move from school into college. This is why we extend the invitation to all age-eligible players, regardless of where they are studying in the preceding academic year

Criteria for application and enrolment

England Hockey and our funding agencies recognise the opportunity for the DiSE programme to engage players who demonstrate potential but may be unable to access optimal training and support resources. While not always the case, this aligns closely with players in full-time state education. For the 2024 enrolment, England Hockey will be prioritising players in full-time state education or apprenticeships. If places remain on the programme, once the previously listed cohorts have been prioritised, England Hockey will consider players from fee-paying schools who receive a means-tested bursary, on a reducing sliding scale of bursary received

The sliding scale will operate on a reducing scale from 100% to 50%, which is the absolute minimum level of bursary we will consider

Players must be entering into Year 12 or post-GCSE full-time state funded* courses in either a School or a Further Education College. Athletes must remain in full-time education for the duration of the DiSE programme

At the time of enrolment, priority will be given to athletes who have indicated they can attend all activity

The age-eligibility criteria for 2024 enrolments will include players born 1st September 2007 to 31st August 2008

What happens when you complete the programme?

At the end of the two-year DiSE programme, players will receive the diploma as well as 64 UCAS points. These UCAS points can support your route to University, though for some Universities the points have less value

The diploma provides the foundations to progress as a player and in other roles within hockey or wider sport such as:

• Coaching

• Umpiring and officiating

• Club Development

• Sports Science Specialist Support


We require 100% commitment to the programme and DiSE activity

DiSE is an 18-month programme but all camps and hub activity will take place in the first year of the programme, to best align with mainstream academic commitments

Loughborough College, on behalf of England Hockey, will write to your schools and colleges informing them about the programme, inviting them to support your involvement

What happens next?

Those age-eligible players in the 2024-25 Talent Academy and England Age Group programme will receive direct communication from England Hockey at the end of August with details of next steps.

The England Hockey League nomination process will open in late July and run for 4 weeks.

Any remaining places will be offered to those age eligible players who are enrolling into TA for 2023-24

Approximately 65 places will be available for each gender. There will be a cap on the number of goalkeepers who will be accepted onto the programme. At the time of enrolment, clear information around the process will be provided

A deposit of £225 will be payable at the time of enrolment. The deposit will be refunded upon successful completion of the 2-year programme.

Confirmation of places will be made in the second week of October 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Should players or parents have any queries or questions relating to the DiSE programme, in the first instance please refer to the frequently asked questions which follow. Any further enquiries should be sent to

What time commitment is going to be required from DiSE athletes?

Athletes will be expected to attend the national camps and hub days as well as completing a small amount of portfolio work/preparation work and a logbook outside of camps. Athletes will also have a progress review (40-minute phone call) every 12 weeks with their dedicated Loughborough College tutor. Players will continue to attend club, school and Talent Academy activity where applicable

How are players chosen?

Boys and Girls will be allocated an equal number of spaces on the programme. Players from the 2022-23 Talent Academy cohort and England Age Programmes will be prioritised, followed by nominations from players playing National League and new and unique 2023-24 Talent Academy enrollees. All players must meet the age criteria and those in full-time state funded academic programmes will be prioritised before any players in fee-paying schools are considered. The programme can only accommodate up to 7 GKs per gender. Should we have an oversupply of people enrolling on the programme, places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Is there a place for all eligible players on the DiSE Programme?

This is the first year we have enrolled players through Talent Academy. Based on the Performance Centre process which existed previously, we have been oversubscribed year on year.

These players will receive the subsequent enrolment information in August

The programme has capacity for 120 players. Please see the criteria in the early part of the presentation

Once the enrolment process is triggered, spaces will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis after the eligibility process has been followed

To ensure the appropriate balance of players on the programme, England Hockey may need to limit the number of goalkeepers who can enrol onto programme. These places will be allocated to eligible players on a first come, first served basis

If you are unavailable for camp should you miss the whole of that particular camp?

Even if players cannot make the whole camp, there would still be significant value in attending the remaining days. The schedule can be manipulated for a small number of individuals so that 1:1s can be completed on the days they can attend. Players who miss any part of camp would be expected to catch up any outstanding portfolio work away from camp in their own time

How much time will a player require outside of camp to complete the portfolio work?

With Loughborough College we have designed a bespoke model of delivery with time allocated on camp to complete the portfolio work. The majority of players who use this time diligently can complete all the work in the allocated hours. There are some brief tasks such as Nutrition Diaries, which need to be completed in advance of camp, and revisions to work previously submitted, which would be done in the players own time. However, this shouldn’t be a significant load. Any player who needs more time should communicate this to their Loughborough College tutor, who will be supportive in finding a mutually agreeable solution

Should an injured player attend camp?

Injured players should communicate any injury to their coach and tutor prior to camp. Players should still attend, but may not need to attend the full camp

Are all the camps residential?

We have a blend of camps and individual Hub Days. We anticipate having 4/5 Hubs which will see the convergence of approximately 25 players (a mix of boys and girls) at each day. The hockey on these days will be very technical and small-group orientated.

Is the technical and tactical education specifically tailored for GKs?

GK Coaches will support each camp and each Hub. The GK Coaches will also undertake 1:1s with GKs enrolled on the DiSE Programme to support their development

What role does the athlete’s educational institution play?

England Hockey asks that educational institutions are understanding and supportive of talented athletes' commitment to the DiSE programme. For eligible athletes, this is the next step in their developmental journey

Will the DiSE programme impact the athletes’ academic studies?

The DiSE programme should sit alongside athletes’ academic studies and will not involve any exams. The programme requires athletes to complete a portfolio that will be completed during the camps. Part of the programme covers lifestyle management aiming to support athletes with their commitments and teach them effective time management

Will I still be able to access the programme if I can’t attend all the activity?

The camp and Hub Day delivery of the programme is engineered to maximise the opportunity for players to complete portfolio work while at camp. Should a situation arise where a committed player is unable to attend a camp or part of a camp, players will be expected to catch up in their own time within an agreed timescale

Who will be responsible for preventing overplaying?

Each Talent Academy will have a coach working with in the programme. The vast majority of players will have a direct link with a coach who supports them regularly and in a position to assist with load management, happy to take the conversation broader where required to external club, school or national coaches

Will there be kit that we need to buy?

We don't intend there to be any cost for DiSE kit; further information will be procided in call up letters

What times do the camps start and finish at?

Players will be asked to arrive at 10:00hrs. Camps will finish between 16:00 and 17:00hrs

Would there be support for individuals with special educational needs for the written pieces/more academic side of the course?

Yes. Loughborough College will work on an individual basis to provide any athlete with special educational needs (including EHCPs) with the support they need

How much hockey is there on camp?

Players can expect an average of three hours on pitch per day. Some days there may be two pitch sessions, whilst other days there may be one pitch session. Pitch sessions are supplemented by practical Strength & Conditioning sessions

What do players bring to camp and Hub Day?

Before each camp and Hub Day, players will receive a Call Up Letter highlighting all the important information for the activity, including what to bring

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the programme leaders: