
The British School of Málaga Weekly Bulletin · 21st February 2020 · Issue 23


  1. Principal´s Weekly Summary (Student Survey)
  2. Academic Calendar for 2020/2021
  3. Core Value Champion for February - Amanda Hughes
  4. Andalusian Day
  5. Carnival Time (Foundation)
  6. La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas (Year 10)
  7. New ISP School, Aravaca
  8. Maths - Sparx Software
  9. English Ambassadors
  10. Science Support Sessions
  11. Sporting Fixtures
  12. Agenda for the Week Ahead
  13. Menus for March 2020
Mrs Lee-Allan · Principal

Capturing how students feel about school is very important. When I first joined The British School of Malaga I was surprised that there were not many opportunities for students to voice their thoughts. I wanted this to change, because learning is a two-way process; students can learn from teachers but we too can also learn from them.

Para nosotros es muy importante captar cómo se sienten los alumnos en el colegio. Cuando empecé a trabajar en The British School of Málaga me sorprendió que no hubiera muchas oportunidades para escuchar sus pensamientos. Quería que esto cambiara porque el aprendizaje es bilateral; los alumnos pueden aprender de los profesores pero también de ellos mismos.

The anonymous student survey that was completed after Christmas has provided us with some very interesting and powerful data.

La encuesta para alumnos era anónima y la completaron antes de Navidad. Nos ha proporcionado datos muy interesantes y sólidos.

The headline figures: · En titulares:

  • 454 students participated from Year 3-13 · Participaron 454 alumnos de Year 3 a Year 13
  • 190 in Primary - 41.8% · De ellos, 190 eran de Primaria, el 41,8%
  • 264 in Secondary – 58.1% · De ellos, 264 son de Secundaria, el 58,1%

The other areas of school life that I really enjoy are: (The top 7) · Las otras cosas que de verdad me gusta de la vida en el colegio son (las 7 primeras)

  1. School trips & visits · Las excursiones y visitas
  2. Making friends · Hacer amigos
  3. House events · Los eventos de las casas
  4. School Clubs · Las extraescolares
  5. Learning with my friends · Aprender con mis amigos
  6. Student leadership opportunities · Las oportunidades de liderazgo para los alumnos
  7. Learning with my teacher · Aprender con mi profesor

The other areas of school life that I do not really enjoy are: · Las otras cosas que no me gustan de la vida en el colegio son:

  1. School food · La comida: 61.4%
  2. Assemblies · Las asambleas: 19.2%

Across the whole school students would like us to to try and improve: · En todo el colegio, los alumnos querrían que intentemos mejorar lo siguiente:

  1. The school lunches · Los menús del comedor - 39.9%
  2. The range of trips and visits that are organised · La gama de excursiones y visitas que se organizan – 19.4%
  3. I cannot think of anything that the school needs to improve · No sé de nada que el colegio necesite mejorar – 10.8%
  4. The way we are taught · El modo de enseñanza – 10.8%

What have we learnt from the Student Survey? · ¿Qué he aprendido de la Encuesta de Alumnos?

Some of the subjects that Primary students identified as really enjoying are Art, English, PE and Topic. In Secondary the subjects are Maths, PE, Drama, ICT, Art and Science.

Algunas de las asignaturas que los alumnos de Primaria identifican como las que más disfrutan son Arte, Inglés, Educación Física y el Proyecto. En Secundaria las asignaturas son Matemáticas, Educación Física, Teatro, Informática, Arte y Ciencias.

We also gave students the opportunity to openly share their thoughts about school and in Primary the five top areas that they want us to be able to address are:

También le hemos dado la oportunidad a los alumnos de compartir abiertamente sus pensamientos sobre el colegio y en Primaria las áreas que nos han pedido que mejoremos son:

  1. School lunches · Menús del comedor - 52.6%
  2. Can't think of anything to change · No conozco ningún punto que haya que cambiar - 18.9%
  3. Range of trips and visits · La variedad de excursiones y visitas - 7.9%
  4. Length of lessons · La duración de las clases - 7.4%
  5. The way they are taught · El modo de enseñanza - 5.8%

And in Secondary… · Y en Secundaria...

  1. School lunches · Menús del comedor - 31.3%
  2. Range of trips and visits · La variedad de excursiones y visitas - 27-6%
  3. The way they are taught · El modo de enseñanza - 14.3%
  4. Sanction System · El sistema de sanciones - 6.6%
  5. The way they are rewarded and can't think of anything to change · La forma en que se les premia o bien que no saben de nada que haya que cambiar - 5.1%

Our priority after half term will be looking to address how students are going to be giving direct feedback to the kitchen about the improvements they would like to see. We will be inviting families to come in and discuss some of the student suggestions in the week beginning Monday 23rd March, we will write to families informing you of the date and time after half term.

Nuestra prioridad tras la Semana Blanca será abordar cómo los propios alumnos hablarán con la Cocina para que traten el tema de mejorar la comida. Vamos a invitar a las familias a que vengan y hablen de las sugerencias de los alumnos en la semana que empieza el Lunes 23 Marzo. Nos pondremos en contacto con las familias para informarles de fechas y horarios tras la Semana Blanca.

School Calendar for 2020/2021 · Calendario Escolar de 2020/2021

Please see the link for the school Calendar for 2020-21. Can I remind families that taking students out of term time for holidays or other non educational activities is strongly not recommended please.

Les enlazamos aquí el CALENDARIO ESCOLAR PARA 2020/2021. Me gustaría recordar a todas las familias que recomendamos encarecidamente que los niños NO pierdan días de clase por vacaciones/viajes familiares o por otros motivos no educativos.

Semana Blanca

Finally, I do hope you have a wonderful Semana Blanca with your friends and family and I look forward to seeing you soon. · Por último, les deseo que tengan una maravillosa Semana Blanca con sus amigos y familiares y espero verles muy pronto.

Have a wonderful Semana Blanca!

Our Core Value Champions (February)

Eight prominent members of the school and local community were asked to become champions of our school last March when we relaunched and rebranded to The British School of Málaga. The champions, with some help from the students, planted eight trees as a symbol of each value in “The Secret Garden” where they will grow alongside the students.

El año pasado, en Marzo, con motivo de nuestra reinauguración y paso a The British School of Málaga 8 destacados miembros de la comunidad educativa y local que se convirtieron en patrones de los valores del colegio. Alumnos y patrones plantaron ocho árboles que simbolizan esos valores en el llamado “Secret Garden”, donde están creciendo al ritmo de los alumnos.

Amanda Hughes (Headteacher at LAUDE San Pedro)


I am very blessed because every morning I am able to walk along the promenade beside the sea on my way to school. It is such a beautiful way to start my working day and I always use this as my quiet time; to reflect and take time to think through some of things which may challenge me.

Me siento afortunada porque todas las mañanas puedo ir andando al trabajo en mi colegio por el paseo marítimo. Es una forma tan bella de empezar la jornada que siempre aprovecho este momento para tomármelo con calma, para reflexionar y para pensar en las cosas que me pueden poner a prueba.

Some people think that is not always a positive thing to constantly reflect on the past, because it may mean that you do not enjoy the present or plan for the future. However, I think that by reflecting we learn to identify the things that have made us happy and the things that we could have done better. In doing so we gain an understanding of how we would like our present and future to be.

Algunas personas piensan que no siempre es positivo estar reflexionando constantemente sobre el pasado, porque puede llegar a significar que no se disfruta del presente o que no se planea el futuro. Sin embargo, creo que reflexionar nos ayuda a identificar las cosas que nos han hecho felices y las cosas que podríamos haber hecho mejor. De esta manera podemos obtener un conocimiento de cómo nos gustaría que sea nuestro presente y como queremos que sea nuestro futuro.

I have found that these gentle moments each morning beside the sea, have given me the time to plan new opportunities for the pupils in my care and to improve our school community for families and staff as well.

Me he dado cuenta de que estos agradables momentos junto al mar cada mañana me han dado tiempo para planificar nuevas oportunidades para los alumnos que tengo a mi cargo y para mejorar nuestra comunidad escolar, compuesta también por las familias y el personal.

I hope that the students will take just 5 minutes once a day to sit quietly, with no mobile technology or other distractions and breath quietly; they will feel a sense of calmness. This then helps them to focus for the day and manage stressful situations more easily. I am looking forward to visiting the school again to see some of the amazing developments and learn more about the Core Values.

Espero que los alumnos se tomen aunque sólo sea 5 minutos al día para sentarse tranquilamente, sin tecnologías móviles y sin otras distracciones y que respiren profundamente; sentirán por seguro una gran serenidad. Esto les ayudará a centrarse en el día y a poder manejar situaciones estresantes con mayor facilidad. Estoy deseando visitar vuestro colegio otra vez y ver algunos de los fabulosos progresos que se han hecho además de saber más en detalle sobre los Valores del Colegio.

Weekly News

Flamenco, Andalusian Day ·Flamenco Día de Andalucía

Flamenco (After School Activities)
Spanish Primary Teachers
Flowers and bracelet distribution
Year 1 (Miss Mercedes)

The Primary Spanish Department put on a fantastic show today for Andalusian Day which is officially next Friday when we are on half-term. Students and teachers came to school dressed in typical Andalusian costume and a group of students distributed paper flowers and bracelets in the colours of the Andalusian flag to all staff. The morning started with a demonstration by our after school activity Flamenco students followed by an assembly all about the different provinces in Andalucia. The children then enjoyed a talk and a performance of song and dance organised by a group of Flamencology Professors from Málaga University. Pure art!

El Departamento de Español de Primaria se ha puesto sus mejores galas hoy Viernes con motivo del Día de Andalucía, que se conmemora la semana que viene mientras estamos de Semana Blanca. Niños y profesores han venido vestidos con los trajes típicos de la tierra y un grupo de alumnas ha repartido flores de papel y pulseritas con los colores de la bandera andaluza entre el personal de colegio. Pero lo interesante de verdad ha llegado con la interpretación del grupo de la extraescolar de Flamenco, la asamblea de Primaria referida a las provincias andaluzas y la charla seguida de una actuación organizada por la Cátedra de Flamencología de la Universidad de Málaga que ha traído a un cuadro flamenco al cante, toque y baile para los niños de Primaria. ¡Puro arte!

Carnival Time in Foundation

The end of February is always a time for celebration. As well as Andalusian Day, it is also Carnival time in Spain. You can see our Reception children (on the left) who came to school today dressed as superheroes. Below are some of the beautiful masks that they made in Nursery.

El final de Febrero siempre nos llega muy festivo. Además de los actos en torno al Día de Andalucía, estos días también celebramos el Carnaval. Así lo han hecho nuestros niños de Reception (a la izquierda), que han venido hoy con maravillosos disfraces de superhéroes. Más abajo, unas máscaras preciosas creadas en Nursery.

La Celestina, de Fernando de Rojas

As part of the the Spanish Language and Literature programme, the Year 10 students have been working on a project about La Celestina, de Fernando de Rojas. They have been designing masks representative of the Spanish Golden Age Theatre. The objective of this activity was to work on the various different skills which make up the Spanish Curriculum, in addition to language and literature. Given the quality of their designs, we have created a display in the Spanish Lengua classroom. This type of exercise is an example of how you can have fun and learn at the same time.

Como parte de la Programación de Lengua y Literatura, los alumnos de 3º ESO han realizado un proyecto sobre La Celestina, de Fernando de Rojas. También han diseñado unas máscaras representativas del Teatro del Siglo de Oro. El propósito de esta actividad era trabajar las distintas competencias del Currículum Español, además de la lingüística y la cultural. Dada la calidad de sus creaciones, algunas de ellas han sido expuestas en las aulas de Lengua. Este tipo de ejercicios es un ejemplo de cómo es posible divertirse y aprender a la vez.

New ISP School: Aravaca

ISP are pleased to announce that as of last week, the International Aravaca school in Madrid now forms part of the ISP group and we would like to give them a warm welcome! There are now 11 ISP schools in Spain.

La semana pasada se anunció la incorporación del colegio Internacional Aravaca (Madrid) al grupo ISP. ¡Les damos una calurosa bienvenida! Ya somos 11 colegios ISP en España.

Maths: Sparx Software

The British School of Málaga Maths department has been selected as 1 of only 4 ISP schools in Spain to trial a new piece of homework software. Sparx Maths is unique and the flyers provided explain this to parents. The trial at the moment is only for Y7 and Y8 students.

El Departamento de Matemáticas de The British School of Málaga ha sido uno de los 4 colegios de ISP España elegidos para probar un nuevo programa informático. Sparx es un software único y los folletos informativos lo explican. La prueba es por el momento sólo para padres de Year 7 y Year 8.

English Ambassadors

We are delighted to introduce you to the English Student Ambassadors: Sofia B. and Charlotte R. In their applications for the role, both Sofia and Charlotte astounded us with their enthusiasm for English - these Year 7 students have already published their own novels! They also have some fantastic ideas to create new opportunities for students. We hope that many of you will grab these opportunities to get better at English outside of the classroom this year. Here is what they have to say about their plans for you. Here are the paragraphs written by our student ambassadors:

Es un placer presentarles a nuestras Embajadoras de la asignatura de Inglés: Sofía B. y Charlotte R. En su solicitud para el puesto tanto Sofía como Charlotte nos dejaron impresionados con su entusiasmo por la materia de Inglés, ya que estas alumnas de Year 7 ¡ya han publicado sus novelas! También tienen fantásticas ideas para crear nuevos proyectos para sus compañeros. Esperamos que muchos de vosotros también aceptéis este año oportunidades similares para mejorar vuestro inglés fuera del aula. Más abajo compartimos con ustedes sus planes y reproducimos sus párrafos literales:

Hi! My name is Sofia B. and I am in 7A. As some of you might now, I am the subject ambassador for English. I am absolutely honoured to be in this leadership position and promise to make the most of it.
Sofía B. (Year 7)

As a writing enthusiast, I do not only believe that writing is a way to share your emotions and feelings but a way to show the world what you are capable of doing by only a pen, a piece of paper and your mind. Last summer I even managed to publish a christmas classic with the help of some teachers and my parents. This was definitely not an easy thing to do since it took nearly a whole year to publish! I got some great advice, which was to publish it via kindle; this was an easier and quicker process.

I am almost certain that I cannot be the only one who has wanted to join a writing competition, but was reluctant to do so, simply because I am not a native speaker. With the English team, we have come up with a few ideas for the subject to become more interactive and enjoyable for all. One of those ideas is a writing competition amongst our school! It will be your time to shine and show your true writing talent! Who knows? You might even win! More news will follow soon.

When I was told that I had been chosen as English Ambassador, I was so excited! I am really looking forward to working alongside the English department.
Charlotte R. (Year 7)

Recently, I published my book called “A Tangled Web of Lies.” This book is a thriller which tells a tale of a six-year-old Londoner who notices that not everyone is trustworthy. She begins to realize that anyone could be a murderer. Especially those unexpected family members. Will she ever discover the truth? Or should all the lies throughout her life stay hidden for her safety? I would recommend this book for children ages 9 and up.

In my opinion, I have some really good ideas that I think will really help the English subject. For example, I thought it would be a good idea to launch a debate team for Key Stage 3. We could start by having small debates in our school and possibly branch out to other schools in Spain once we get started up. It may be a voluntary activity or a house competition. If you are interested in getting involved, please come and speak to me.

Ambassadors · Embajadores

Thank you to our student ambassadors this week: Santiago, Andrea, Isabelle, Raissa and Ariadna | Damos las gracias a nuestros alumnos embajadores de esta semana: Santiago, Andrea, Isabelle, Raissa y Ariadna


Sporting Fixtures for the week commencing 2nd March 2020 · Calendario deportivo de la semana 2 de Marzo 2020

Five-a-side Football · Fútbol Sala

Tuesday 3rd March · Martes 3 de Marzo

Infantil A - British School of Málaga v El Romeral - 16.30h (this is an important match and your support is appreciated)

Wednesday 4th March · Miércoles 4 de Marzo

Benjamin - British School of Málaga v León XIII - 17.30h

Thursday 5th March · Jueves 5 de Marzo

Alevin - British School of Málaga v Cerrado de Calderon A - 16.30h

Infantil B - British School of Málaga v NS Candelaría - 17.25h

Friday 6th March · Viernes 6 de Marzo

Prebenjamin - Reveló de Toro v British School of Málaga - 16.30h

Cadete - British School of Málaga v Madre Asunción - 17.25h

Girls´Football · Fútbol Femenino

Thursday 5th March · Jueves 5 de Marzo

Gamarra v British School of Málaga - 20.30h

Friday 6th March · Viernes 6 de Marzo

Liceo Francés v British School of Málaga - 16.45h

Voley · Volleyball

Friday 6th March · Viernes 6 de Marzo

British School of Málaga v Esclavas B - 17.20h

Basketball · Baloncesto

Tuesday 3rd March · Martes 3 de Marzo

British School of Málaga v Gamarra B - 16.30h

Friday 6th March · Viernes 6 de Marzo

El Pinar v British School of Málaga - 16.30h

Week Ahead · Agenda Semanal

Thursday 5th March · Jueves 5 de Marzo

Year 12 and 13 Geography Students Coastal Walk to Guadalhorce and El Palo - As part of their A Level Geography course, students will be walking along the coastline from Guadalhorce Parque to the end of El Palo to participate in an investigative field trip studying coastal processes. · Los alumnos de Geografía de A Level, dentro de sus estudios de la asignatura, visitarán el litoral de Málaga, desde el Parque del Guadalhorce hasta El Palo. Participarán en una excursión de campo con fines de investigación de los procesos costeros.

Year 13 Spanish University Access Meeting for parents - Year 13 parents are invited to an information evening at 4.10pm in the Dining Room to discuss access to Spanish universities. We would encourage your son/daughter to attend the meeting with you. · Los padres de Year 13 están invitados a una reunión informativa sobre el acceso a universidades españolas. Tendrá por la tarde, a las 16:10 horas en el Comedor. Recomendamos encarecidamente que sus hijos asistan a la reunión también.

Friday 6th March · Viernes 6 de Marzo

Years 11 to 13 full reports published via Engage Parent Portal In order to view your child’s Progress Report on Engage, log into the portal on a web browser. Then follow the instructions by clicking on the button below: Please do not use the app on your mobile to view them. · Las notas de los cursos de Year 11 a Year 13 se van a publicar el el portal de padres Engage. Para poder acceder a las notas de sus hijos en Engage tienen que entrar en el portal en un navegador de escritorio (no en aplicaciones o dispositivos móviles). En el botón de más abajo tienen una guía para saber cómo ver las notas. Como se ha indicado antes, no es posible acceder a las notas desde móviles.

Tienda de uniformes

From January the school uniform shop will be open on the following days: MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS from 9.10 to 10 am and TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 4.10 to 5 pm.

La tienda de uniformes estará abierta a partir de este mes de Enero en el siguiente horario: LUNES y MIÉRCOLES de 9:10 a 10:00 horas & MARTES y JUEVES de 16:10 a 17:00 horas.


Lunch Menus · Menús del comedor

Academic Calendar 2019/2020


Created with images by Johannes Plenio - "Spring is coming" • Stéphan Valentin - "While wondering under the hot sun of Sevilla, I stumbled upon this group of musicians and dancers, under the shadow of the buildings around the Plaza of Espana, making it a heart warming feeling thanks to the music… A musical and dancing stop in time." • Lysander Yuen - "untitled image" • Renáta-Adrienn - "A photo of my Filofax Original Nude in personal size for my Instagram page. Planning, in order to be productive, is very important to me and I find that it would be important for most professionals to use a similar system in order to free up headspace, to be more calm and less busy." • Charlie Hlavac - "untitled image" • sagar mahadik - "untitled image"