(I read many articles and none tells me what genes where put into the papaya.) In 1940 the ringspot virus spread around the papayas. This was a virus not allowing the papayas to produce enough chlorophyll. They tried many things, but nothing worked. Finally they used the tehcinque of "GMO" to add the genes of other plants that where resistant to that virus into the papaya.
In conclusion: this GMO papaya is virus resistant, allowing cultivators to produce more papayas.
Created with images by nuzree - "papaya tree papayas fruits" • Starr Environmental - "starr-140504-0519-Carica_papaya-fruit_harvested-Hawea_Pl_Olinda-Maui" • Bulli1308 - "market fruit vegetables" • rogeriomda - "papaya fair vegetables" • PENEBAR - "ripe papaya papaya papaya fruit" • bettinaglaeser - "fruit papaya cut in half" • Marco Fumasoni - "Papaya"