Los Angeles Urban goals

What do you know about Los Angeles?

Los Angeles is one of the major cities in United States, thus our whole world. One interesting fact is that the name “Los Angeles” is not an original name of this city. According to the official tourist cite from City of Los Angeles: Discover los angles, “ A group of eleven families comprising forty-four Mexicans settles by the river… names the settlement El Peublo Sobre el Rio de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles del Rio de Porciuncula” (" Historical Timeline of Los Angeles" 1781). Later on, the name shortens, as we know “LOS ANGELES.”


Moving to new city gives such a fresh touch to your new chapter of life. Adjusting new life style is not easy, as it seems, like transportation, more importantly traffic. However, in Los Angeles, no need to worry. Living Los Angeles is opening door to the world. This city has one of the biggest airport in the nation, one of the major transit area, connects to majority cities of the world. Which means cheaper airfares than living in Hawaii. As it becomes ground transportation, there are amazing metro system in Los Angeles. According to the discover Los Angels, they stated that there are metro rail system which connects Hollywood, Korea town, downtown Los Angeles, Pasadena, east Los Angeles, and culver city, etc. Since the rush hour is serious in Los Angeles, using public transportation will help saving time running out from traffic. Henceforth, there are three bus systems if you are not able to take rail.


Food = life

Personally, this is the time to talk about my favorite subject: food. In one word, dining in Los Angeles is fantastic. It is perfect place to try out food all around the world. During my trip to Los Angeles, I had so many Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and Mexican cuisines. So it is impossible you to say, I could not eat any food because it did not fit to my taste. Seriously, there are more foods than you would expect.

Also Los Angeles is fashion city. There are tons of designer brand store through out Los Angeles. Walking or passing around Rodeo dr. will show you the new paradise of fasinating and exotic cars, building structure, and roads.


Education is the one of the major topic that parents must consider when they plan to move. No worry in Los Angeles. Having one of the rich communities, Beverly Hills, education in Los Angeles is very well balanced and advanced. Most popular college and one of the competitive universities, UCLA is located in west wood area. Also, there are many artistic colleges near Hollywood, so it is great location to live, if you are performer or major related arts. Also, there are tons of jobs available in Los Angeles after graduation from college or high school.

Library in UCLA

Works Cited

DISCOVER LOS ANGELES. "Facts About Los Angeles." Discover Los Angeles. N.p., 30 Mar. 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016. <http://www.discoverlosangeles.com/press-releases/facts-about-los-angeles>.

Discover Los Angeles. "Historical Timeline of Los Angeles." Discover Los Angeles. N.p., 10 Sept. 2012. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <http://www.discoverlosangeles.com/blog/historical-timeline-los-angeles>.

"LA Heritage." Discover Los Angeles. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2016. <http://www.discoverlosangeles.com/explore/history>.

"Los Angeles Public Transit." Discover Los Angeles. Discover Los Angeles, 10 Sept. 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2016. <http://www.discoverlosangeles.com/blog/los-angeles-public-transit>.

Created By
Bo Kyong Hong
Created with images by JudiCBell - "los angeles city buildings" • Nims2000 - "hollywood street sign los angeles" • Ryan Vaarsi - "Simple tricks and nonsense" • Unsplash - "stairwell staircase train station" • chopchopnom - "pasta cheese egg" • Maju_Rezende - "Rodeo Drive - LA" • jarmoluk - "old books book old"

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