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Welcome to the Bromley Mental Health and Wellbeing Toolkit

This toolkit has been developed with our local education settings in mind and aims to be a 'one stop shop' for mental health and wellbeing resources and information to our education leaders, teams and staff. This 'live' toolkit will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Email or call Sara at / 0208 461 7705 if you have ideas or feedback to improve the toolkit.

We know that schools and colleges play a key role in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. One of the aims of this toolkit is to improve links between education and mental health professionals, which was the focus of the Anna Freud Link Program, a national initiative that Bromley took part in at the end of 2020. It is crucial that schools, colleges and local emotional wellbeing and mental health services work together so that children and young people get the support they need when they need it. This might be in the form of school support or referrals to more specialist support for mental health and wellbeing.

We recognise that education leaders and staff have been, and continue to be, under huge pressure to adapt and respond to the growing mental health needs of our children and young people. We wanted to make these tools and resources easily available to provide quick access to guided peer support, ways of looking after your own mental health and supporting tools to identify and respond to mental health and wellbeing needs in children and young people at school.

At the end of each section, there is a link available to take you back to the toolkit menu.

Mental Health And Wellbeing Lead (MHWL) Network

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead Network has brought together members and colleagues from our local schools, colleges, Mental Health Services, Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and the Council.

By facilitating mutual learning and best practice exchange, the network plays a pivotal role in aiding our schools and colleges in tackling and responding to the mental health and wellbeing needs of staff and pupils. Colleagues across the council, mental health services, ICS and partner organisations will respond to the suggestions and needs identified from the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leads and do our best to jointly provide valuable input, advice and support from the council and mental health services, as appropriate.

Please note: the identified MHWLs are not expected to act as a mental health professional and will not attempt to diagnose or deliver interventions. We will support our Leads in becoming the school or college ‘go to’ person for queries related to mental health and wellbeing and have significant knowledge and access to resource for local referral pathways and support.

The '5 Steps To Mental Health And Wellbeing' framework was introduced at the first networking event as our recommended action planning tool to implement a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. The framework includes a wealth of resources and information for each section and actions. The framework and website is free to sign up to with a school email address.

Please see below network dates for the academic year 2024/25:
  • November: Wednesday 27th November 2024
  • March: Wednesday 12th March 2025
  • July: Wednesday 10th July 2025

All in-person network events are taking place at The Warren, BR2 7AL.

Please note, you can contact the team for any mental health and wellbeing queries through our new mailbox: Referrals for children and young people requiring support should continue to be addressed to the Bromley Y Single Point of Access.

Bromley Y - An Introduction to the Service

"Our vision is one in which children can enjoy life growing up in their community."

Gill Allen, Director of Bromley Y

Bromley CAMHS - An Introduction to the Service


The new Bromley Integrated Single Point of Access (iSPA) went live on 2 April 2024. This replaces the front door previously known as the voluntary sector organisation Bromley Y, Single Point of Access.

The iSPA incorporates Bromley Y and Oxleas Bromley Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Single Point of Access. (CAMHS) and will aim to provide a seamless pathway to support the needs of children and young people referred into Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Services in the borough

Referrals into the iSPA should be made at present on the Bromley Y website, as before, and a member of the iSPA team may contact you to discuss the referral.

Emergency & Crisis Support

  • If a child or young person has expressed to you that they are experiencing suicidal thoughts or self harm, listen and respond in a calm and supportive manner.
  • Allowing children and young people time to “tell their story” gives them a chance to feel listened to and heard.
  • Try to gain as much information as you can about the young person’s experience as this will help to guide decision making about what action needs to be taken and what support needs to be put in place.
  • It is important that you follow the school’s local safeguarding procedures.
  • It is important that you discuss the limits of confidentiality at the start of the conversation. Ultimately, your main purpose is to ensure they are safe and supported and this might mean sharing information with others close to them or others involved in their care.
  • CAMHS Duty Worker - 0208 315 4430 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)
  • Oxleas Mental Health Urgent Advice Line - 0800 330 8590 (24 hours service)
A child or young person should always go immediately to A&E if:
  • Injury could be life-threatening or is serious and needs medical attention
  • Self-poisoning (e.g. overdose) or use of a ligature (e.g. cord) is witnessed, suspected or disclosed
  • Child is suicidal, has made clear suicidal plans or has attempted to take their own life

The Child’s parent/carer should be informed prior to attending A&E. If the parent/carer cannot be contacted, the professional should take the child or young person to A&E or call an ambulance.

If there is not an an immediate risk but you remain concerned about the level of risk and distress then you could support the child /young person and their family (if appropriate) to access the SLP CAMHS crisis line. This is available to all young people attending Bromley schools.

  • SLP CAMHS Crisis Line: 0203 228 5980 (Monday to Friday 5pm-10pm, Weekends/Bank Holidays 9am-10pm)
  • You may also need to consider whether a referral into the Single Point of Access (SPA) is required to access Bromley Y or CAMHS.
  • It is also important to consider what on going support could be provided within the school setting and within other professional networks currently working with the child or young person.

For cases open to CAMHS or currently on the waiting list for CAMHS you can also contact:

  • CAMHS Duty Team - 020 8315 4430 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)
  • CAMHS Duty Team - 020 8315 4430 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)
  • Their GP
  • Oxleas Mental Health Urgent Advice Line - 0800 330 8590 (24 hours service)

Papyrus UK is a suicide prevention charity with a wealth of resources on how to support young people that are not coping with their lives.


More than 12 people a week take their own life in London alone. If someone was in crisis, would you know what to say? Thrive LDN is leading a campaign to get 100,000 Londoners to take the FREE online suicide prevention training. Thrive LDN and Zero Suicide Alliance have created a training program to help people to be able to identify warning signs and to feel comfortable having conversations about suicide. It only takes 20 minutes. But it could make all the difference to someone in need.


Education Safeguarding are able to provide the school with support around safeguarding policy and procedures, advising around general safeguarding, support schools around threshold and also signpost school to support services for their children.

Contact for all schools: Libby Kember 0208 313 4665

Contact for Early Years: Yasmin Ahmad 0208 461 7208


If you think that a child or young person under the age of 18 years old, who lives in the borough, is being abused or neglected, contact the MASH Team using the contact details below. Outside of office hours and at weekends and public holidays contact the 'out of hours contact' service on 030 0303 8671. If you are seriously concerned about a child's immediate safety, dial 999. If you are unsure whether referral to MASH is the right thing to do for the child, please call the team for advice.

Telephone: 020 8461 7373 / 7379 / 7026 -

Safer Schools App - for parent/carers

We know everyone is spending more time at home and using social media to ensure that physical distancing does not become social isolation. The positive power of technology will help keep our community digitally connected but we also know that more time spent online and in isolation by our children can lead to greater levels of risk.

Immediate Advice and Support Available to Your Education Setting

The Team Around Every School Framework is available through the link below, please download the attachment and find the relevant information to your education setting. For particular Mental Health concerns, please refer to your CWS contact (Bromley Community Wellbeing Service)

Eating Disorders

Anyone of any age, gender, or background can develop an eating disorder. An eating disorder is something that creeps up on an individual, sometimes gradually and sometimes suddenly. The eating disorder often starts well before someone even knows that their relationship with food has become poor. It can change over time from one form - such as starving - into another form of distress such as overeating. Recovery is possible for everyone with the right kind of help.

Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that cause lasting damage and may be fatal if they are left untreated. The earlier someone gets the right treatment for their eating disorder, the more likely they are to make a full and sustained recovery.

Gangs and Young People

The term ‘gang’ means different things to different people. A group of young people hanging out together does not make a gang. A gang is usually considered to be a group of people who spend time in public places that also see themselves (and are seen by others) as a noticeable group, and engage in a range of criminal activity and violence.

Young Carers Support - Bromley Well

Bromley Well support Young Carers aged 4 to 19 to manage caring relationships whilst enjoying childhood. There is an app available, as well as workshops, emotional support, therapeutic support, drop-in sessions and social activities for our Young Carers in Bromley. Read more about the offer through the link below.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children - dedicated helpline

You can contact our dedicated helplines to discuss any concerns or get advice and support. You can also contact our helpline if you're worried a child is being radicalised, is involved in or at risk from gangs or any other child safety concern. Call 0808 800 5000 or email

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Resources For Teachers - Peer And Self-Support

One size does not fit all. It is ok to ask for help and support whenever you need it. Below are some useful tools and resources for looking after yourself and your colleagues.

Senior Mental Health Lead Training Available

The Department for Education (DfE) is offering a senior member of school or college staff the opportunity to get a grant for training to develop the knowledge and skills to implement an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing in their setting.

The grant is a contribution to the cost of training and the hiring of supply staff whilst leads are engaged in learning. There are sufficient funds to offer a grant to around a third of all state schools and colleges between September 2021 and March 2022. The government has committed to offer senior mental lead training to all state schools and colleges by 2025. The next tranche for 2022/23 is now available for all identified Leads to apply for, if they have not yet received the grant and subsequent training.

Talking Therapies Available to You

Talking therapies, or psychological therapies, are effective and confidential treatments delivered by fully trained and accredited NHS practitioners. They can help with common mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression. A GP can refer you, or you can refer yourself directly to an NHS psychological therapies service (IAPT) without a referral from a GP.

SHOUT - The 'Always Available' Text Support Service

Shout provides a free 24/7 text support service for anyone who's a key worker during the coronavirus pandemic. Text KEYWORKER to 85258 to talk by text with a trained crisis volunteer.

Every Mind Matters - Self Care Tool

Every Mind Matters self-care tool: Your Mind Plan can help you to take simple steps to look after your mental health and find a good work-life balance. The mental health campaign Every Mind Matters offers a free online action plan, approved by the NHS, that offers simple steps we can all take to care for our mental health. The tool can help to deal with stress and anxiety, boost mood, improve sleep quality and take control of our wellbeing. Whilst you care for others, why not also create your own self-care action plan?

Education Support - Mental Health and Wellbeing Charity Dedicated to Teachers and Education Staff

Education Support helps teachers, education staff and their schools to improve the mental health and wellbeing of their staff and peers. They carry out research to provide resources that benefit the education workforce including financial support, an employee assistance programme, and a variety of wellbeing resources for schools. Please see the short video below on how Education Support can help you.

Resilience - What Is It And How Can I Improve It?

Being resilient does not mean being positive all the time, or never having glimpses of hopelessness, but instead resilience means being able to “bounce back” from those darker moments.

The Range Of Mental Health Problems Explained

The above link explains the wide range of mental health problems and sets out how it affects your mental health, including how you can help yourself, what treatments are available and how to overcome barriers to getting the right support. The site also includes tips for people who want to support someone who has gone through trauma.

How To Support A Colleague Or Staff Member With Their Mental Health

With one in four adults experiencing mental ill-health in any given year, it is very likely that you will come across a colleague with a mental health difficulty. Knowing how to recognise that they are struggling and feeling confident about helping and supporting them is key; especially as taking early action can prevent problems escalating and help individuals to recover more quickly. The above link sets out some useful tips in how to tactfully approach a colleague about their mental health.

Volunteering Matters UK

Volunteering Matters UK bring people together to overcome adversity, tackle isolation, improve physical and mental health, develop skills and ensure young people can lead change.

They are unique is their approach to developing programmes in local areas and their volunteering programmes are designed by communities, for communities, as they have the power, local knowledge and energy to improve themselves from within. Stronger communities mean that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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Useful Resources for all Education Settings In Bromley - A Whole School Approach

The '5 Steps To Mental Health And Wellbeing' framework was introduced at the Mental Health and Well-being Lead networking event in November 2021 as our recommended action planning tool to implement a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. The framework includes a wealth of resources and information for each section and actions. The framework and website is free to sign up to with a school email address.

If you haven't already identified your Mental Health and Wellbeing lead for your school or college, or if you have any questions about the Mental Health and Wellbeing work in Bromley, please email or call Sara at 0208 461 7705/

The action planning tool is interactive, simple and it's free. It will help you to support staff, lead change, and engage with parents, carers and the community so that you can meet your pupils' and students' needs. By registering, you can move through the steps, in any order, at your own pace and update a personalised action planning tool that can be regularly reviewed. We will continue to support our leads throughout their journey towards a whole school approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing in our network meetings and drop-in sessions.

Free Youth Mental Health Training Available

Youth Mental Health First Aid are open for schools to register their interest in receiving free training, please email:

Every Interaction Matters - A Recorded Webinar For School and Further Education (FE) Leads

MindEd and the Anna Freud Centre have provided a recorded a webinar for all education settings and to supplement local offers. The webinar is available here (press play, then continue to download the PowerPoint and save it). Education leaders or leads – such as Senior Leadership Teams, wellbeing and pastoral leads, senior mental health leads, safeguarding leads or SENCos – can use this webinar to facilitate a staff meeting or INSET session on wellbeing and mental health.

The Signpost - Text Service for 11-18 Year Olds in Bromley

When children are struggling with something, it can be difficult to know where to turn for support. The Signpost offers emotional health support and will help the child or young person to think about what options are available to them. TEXT: 07840 635 025 (monitored Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, excluding Bank Holidays). Please see link for a printable poster. 

School Based Anxiety and Avoidance

Creative Education provides a wealth of practical, engaging online video courses empowering professionals who works with or cares for children to develop their skills at a time that is convenient to them.

During this free one-hour webinar accessed through the link below, Emma Pinnock will share ideas for school staff or families supporting children who are anxious about the return to school. She’ll think about some universal approaches we can take to ensure a successful return for all children as well as thinking about how to identify and support those children for whom the return may be more of a struggle.

All Bromley Mental Health & Wellbeing Leads are provided with access and membership to the Creative Education platform. Contact Sara ( for more information.

Bromley Education Matters has a wealth of resources on Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) including toolkits and trainings. Please visit the link below.


Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community with free, safe and anonymous support for children and young people. Please watch their introductory video explaining the offer below.

There are some things that should be done alone, but dealing with our mental wellbeing isn't one of them. Kooth​ is there to support children and young people with whatever they are going through - no matter how big or small it feels. Kooth have created a repository of different resources to help you approach the subject of mental health with young people.

Anna Freud Centre - Introduction to Key Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

What's On Your Mind? Talking About Mental Health

One of the most important things you can do as a teacher is to talk to your class about mental health in a non-stigmatising way, explaining that it affects us all and is not black and white but a spectrum. The What’s on your Mind? resources by See Me (link and video below) provide some helpful guidance on how to do this.

Psychological First Aid (Free Course Available)

The below PFA course is free to complete, but please note that you have the option to receive a certificate for £32 once you have completed the course. You do not need to buy this certificate to complete the course modules.

Childhood Trauma & the Brain

The above video from the Anna Freud Centre provides a general introduction to what happens in the brain after children face traumatic experiences in childhood, like abuse and neglect.

Good Thinking - Self-Care for All

Good Thinking promotes self-care for the four most common mental health conditions: anxiety, sleep problems, low mood and stress. It provides free, 24/7, digital support to Londoners seeking mental health and well-being advice and help.

Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) & Youth Mental Health First Aid

Free Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) training and resources are provided as part of weekly ‘SEN Support Links’ and shared best practice in SEMH is featured in the half-termly ‘SEMH e-Digest’. If you would like to receive or contribute to these publications, please contact Jacob Pereira, Lead SEN Support Advisory Teacher (ISAT):

The SEMH Padlet provides SENCOs and Mental Health & Wellbeing Leads with a comprehensive suite of resources to support the identification of SEMH and implementation of effective interventions as part of the SEN Graduated Approach, alongside access to online SEMH training.

Personalised Education Service

Formerly called the Bromley Home and Hospital Tuition Service, the Personalised Education Service provides short-term bespoke education, led by qualified teachers. Tuition takes place in a tuition centre, virtually or in some circumstances, in the home. Case Workers facilitate and promote a multi agency collaboration around the child and family whilst proactively supporting the students reintegration back into mainstream school or an alternative setting.

Educational Psychology Service

Bromley EP Service is a specialist service that supports Bromley children and young people who have SEND. The service promotes early intervention and preventative evidence based psychology. Please contact, Principal Educational Psychologist

Starting school - Health Information and Contacts

Local Bereavement Support for Children and Young People

Just like adults, children react to death in different ways at different times. They may seem to be sad, very naughty, or not to care at all. They may have behaviour or concentration problems at school or home, difficulties with eating or sleeping and feel very anxious or guilty. It can sometimes be difficult to find a way to explain what has happened, to cope with their questions and to manage their behaviour. We cannot prevent children from feeling sad, angry and hurt, but if we talk to them and include them in what is going on, we can give them our support and understanding.

Six Films to Help Children Understand Death and Grief

The Marie Curie 'TalkAbout' magazine have set out six helpful films that can be used for reflection on a child or young person's first experience of bereavement. Whether they are dealing with the loss of a parent, grandparent or even a beloved pet, it can be a confusing and scary time. Watching these films and reflecting on the emotions and responses of the characters could help prepare them for death and understand their grief a bit better.

Supporting Individuals That Identify as LGBTIQ+

Some people may identify as LGBTIQ+. This means that they may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, non-binary, queer or questioning. Or they may define their gender and sexuality in other ways. Anyone can experience a mental health problem.

However, research has shown that lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTQI+) young people are over two-and-a-half times more likely to have a mental health problem as those who identify as heterosexual. Being LGBTQI+ does not mean that a young person will have a mental health problem - the majority of LGBTQI+ young people do not, and many feel they can cope with the ups and downs of everyday life. However, identifying as part of the LGBTQI+ community can lead to unique challenges in growing up and as an adult including fears about coming out, worries about being accepted by friends and family, and the impact of prejudice and discrimination.

METRO Snap is a group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, queer and questioning young people in Bromley. It's a safe space to meet other LGBTIQ+ young people, get support and have fun. During lockdown, the group is meeting virtually through Zoom and remain in contact with each other.

This group can be contacted on or 020 8305 5004.

Gender Identity

A child or young person's gender identity is a way to describe how they feel about their gender. They might identify their gender as a boy or a girl or something different. This is different from their sex, which is related to their physical body and biology. People are assigned a gender identity at birth based on their sex. The resources below may help you explore this complex area.

How to Deal with Bullying

A whole school approach to anti-bullying is cohesive, collective and collaborative action in and by a school community that has been strategically constructed with school leadership to reduce bullying and respond to it appropriately.

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Useful Resources for Early Years

Calming Strategies

The below video teaches children about Calming Strategies with engaging visuals and music. Calming strategies can help a child to work through strong emotions. When calming strategies are practiced regularly throughout the day, the possibility for use at times of anxiety is increased.

Early Years Activities Identifying Feelings and Emotions

This video from Partnership for Children provides an introduction to the early years activity cards available in the link below and includes some top tips and tricks for successfully implementing the activity cards in your setting.

Common Difficulties in Early Years

The below link from the Anna Freud Centre set out common difficulties that you may come across in your Early Years setting. The page explains what the norm is, strategies that you can use, how to support parents and carers and potential impact of the difficulties described.

The Little Book of Wins

Below is a downloadable PDF of The Little Book of Wins (Wellbeing in Novel Situations). It is based on the Five Ways of Wellbeing, an evidence-based approach for boosting wellbeing and resilience in the everyday.

Calm Zone Toolbox

Child Line has developed a Calm Zone toolbox with a range of resources, activities, breathing exercises, games and ways to cope videos.

Learning Network for Early Years Workers

Early Years in Mind was launched by the Anna Freud Centre in June 2020, learning network will offer early years workers guidance and information to help them improve the mental health and development of the babies and children in their care. You will be able to access the full archives of the Anna Freud Centre, aiming to share its learning more widely, and turn its expertise and key research findings into practice. It will also provide opportunities for the Centre to collect insights from those working at a grass roots level.

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Useful Resources for Primary Schools

Separation Anxiety - How to Help Your Pupils Cope

Following our local and national lockdowns, some children may have increased anxiety about returning to school, particularly separation anxiety at leaving their parents and carers. This resource forms part of the Anna Freud rebuild and recover set of resources, designed to help schools come back together and support their pupils’ wellbeing after lockdown.

Headspace For Kids

Headspace for Kids was created to help children be healthy and happy, not just now but for the rest of their lives. And teaching them about meditation early gives them the skills they need to do just that.

Exploring Diversity - Assembly and Lesson Plans

Explore the concept of diversity and how our differences make us special with this assembly, written to be delivered around World Mental Health Day. The link includes lesson plans for ages 4-5, 5-8, 9-11, in addition to activity ideas for the classroom.

How to Start the Conversation About Mental Health

Talking Mental Health from the Anna Freud Centre is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond.

Social Media and Healthy Boundaries

Pupils explore the topic of social media and learn actions a person can take to look after their wellbeing online and offline. Please note: This lesson is not suitable for pupils younger than Year 6. It is also important to note that legally, nearly all forms of social media require users to be at least 13 years of age.

Connection and Loneliness - Building Healthy Relationships

Pupils explore the meaning of loneliness and connection. Developed with teachers, this lesson supports pupils to understand that it's normal to feel lonely, but there are strategies they can use to safely build connections with family, friends and their community. Pupils also think about how they can look out for others who might be feeling lonely.

Feelings of Worry and Concern

Help pupils to identify worry and actions they can take if they feel worried. Developed with teachers, this lesson supports pupils to identify the different signs of worry, such as thoughts, feelings, physical signs and actions.

Transition to Secondary School - Dealing with Change

Pupils explore the transition to secondary school and identify strategies to deal with change. Developed with teachers, this PowerPoint and accompanying video help you explore with your class the challenges that can arise with the transition from primary to secondary school, and help pupils identify strategies for managing the change.

Book of Beasties, a developer of metal wellness resources for primary schools, and the University of West London is working with Bromley Council to offer free mental health support and CPD teacher training for its evidence-based, award winning Mental Wellness Card Game. You can register your school to receive a free copy of the resource and nominate a member of staff to champion this incentive with your pupils from the Book of Beasties website. The Book of Beasties team will then be in contact with you to discuss dates and times for a 1 hour training session on the game which will be conducted in groups via Zoom by the founder, Phil Tottman.

If you have any questions regarding this incentive you can contact Book of Beasties' Customer Success Manager, Penelope on

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Useful Resources for Secondary Schools

Looking for Peace and Quiet?

You've already got it. In this animation, Headspace's co-founder, Andy Puddicombe, describes the stillness that's present in all our minds so long as we know how to find it. Learning to meditate means getting in touch with that sense of underlying calm. And once we've experienced it, it's always with us, just like the blue sky is there, no matter how stormy the clouds start to look.

Sharing Nudes and Semi-Nudes: How to Respond to an Incident

The sending or posting of nude or semi-nude images, videos or live streams online by young people under the age of 18 could be via social media, gaming platforms, chat apps or forums. It could also involve sharing between devices via services like Apple’s AirDrop which works offline. Alternative terms used by children and young people may include ‘dick pics’ or ‘pics’. All such incidents should be immediately reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or equivalent and managed in line with your setting’s child protection policies. The motivations for taking and sharing nude and semi-nude images, videos and live streams are not always sexually or criminally motivated. This advice does not apply to adults sharing nudes or semi-nudes of under 18-year olds. This is a form of child sexual abuse and must be referred to the police as a matter of urgency.

We All Have Mental Health

The below video animation is aimed at Key stage 3 secondary school pupils (Years 7-9) and created by the Anna Freud Centre as part of their toolkit supporting mental health and wellbeing in secondary schools. It was developed in collaboration with young people, teachers and mental health experts. The animation aims to give young people of this age a consistent and accessible language to talk about mental health and to know to ask for support when it is needed:

Sleep and Mental Health

Explore the benefits of good quality sleep and learn strategies for better quality sleep. Students will learn the importance of sufficient good quality sleep for good health and how a lack of sleep can affect weight, mood, mental health and ability to learn.

Strategies to cope with change and relationships

Explore the nature of change and identify some strategies to help deal with changing situations and relationships. Developed with teachers, this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying videos help you explore with your class the expected and unexpected changes people may face in their lives, and help students identify strategies for managing change.

Coping with Stress

It can be hard to know what to do when you're feeling stressed. In the below video, Childline counsellor Raz talks us through 3 techniques of Mindfulness to try. Everyone's different, so it could be good to work out what feels right for you. Let us know your tips and advice in the comments below.

Dealing with Puberty and Physical Changes

Explore the physical changes that occur during puberty and the effect these can have on an individual's emotions, identity and sexuality. Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying videos to explore with your class the physical changes that occur during puberty and the effect these can have on an individual's emotions, identity and sexuality. Using peer-to-peer discussion, scenarios and videos, students will be encouraged to examine the impact of puberty and find ways in which they can seek support if they are finding puberty challenging.

The Impact of Bullying and How to Respond

Examine with your class the meaning and impact of bullying, and discover ways of responding to this type of behaviour. Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying video to encourage students to explore the meaning and impact of bullying and cyberbullying. The materials will also enable them to explore appropriate ways of responding to discriminating, hurtful or intimidating behaviour.

Online Stress and the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Help your pupils explore online stress and the fear of missing out (FOMO). Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying videos to help students explore how stress may be experienced as a consequence of using social media and how this can affect their daily lives. Using peer-to-peer activities based on Rise Above films, students will discuss how they might manage any online stress and understand the importance of asking for help when they need it.

How to Cope with Exam Stress

Help students identify the signs and symptoms of exam stress, and develop stress management strategies. Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying videos to teach students to identify the signs and symptoms of exam stress and recognise that it can affect young people, before, during and after an exam. Using the concept of designing an 'exam buddy' app to help them, students develop helpful strategies for managing their own exam stress and supporting friends who may also be experiencing stress.

Body Image and Physical Pressures

Explore with students what body image is, how social media can influence it and how to reduce stress caused by online pressure. Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying videos to help students explore what body image is and how social media can influence it, and identify ways to reduce stress or anxiety caused by online pressure.

The Nature of Friendships and Positive Relationships

Examine with your students the nature of friendships, identify some of the challenges that can arise and think about how to provide effective peer support. Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying video to explore with your class the nature of friendship. It'll help you guide students in identifying some of the challenges that can arise in social relationships, as well as thinking about how to provide effective peer support.

The Impact of Alcohol on Young Minds

Help your pupils identify the reasons why some young people choose to drink alcohol and the impact it can have on them. Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying videos to explore with your class the reasons why some young people choose to drink alcohol, and the impact this can have on their health, wellbeing and overall lifestyle. Using peer-to-peer discussion, scenarios and videos, students will be encouraged to identify and assess the risks associated with underage or irresponsible drinking, and how to deal with pressure from peers.

Sexual Health Service

The UK has one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and teenage pregnancies in Europe. A condom is the only form of contraception that protects against both STIs and an unplanned pregnancy.

By getting your students to join the London C-Card scheme you can be sure that they are getting help and support from people who are experienced in talking about sex, relationships and condoms – they won’t be embarrassed so your students don’t need to be either.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is child abuse, with those children and young people who become involved facing significant risks to their physical, emotional and psychological health and wellbeing. CSE is a hidden issue taking place out of public view. Sexual exploitation of children and young people under 18 involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where the young person (or third person/s) receive ‘something’ (e.g., food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of them performing, and/or another or others performing on them, sexual activities.

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Useful Resources for College

Leading Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Further Education Sector

The Education and Training Foundation worked with Stuart Rimmer, CEO of East Coast College Group, to curate a group of leaders from across the sector to explore in a conversation key aspect of wellbeing and the challenges this brings in leadership.


The STOPP skill is a perfect example of CBT in action - an effective way to achieve a better outcome. The STOPP app, The Decider phone app version of the skill, gives users an accessible strategy 24/7 to help manage thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Supporting Staff Wellbeing in Further Education

If you’re working in further education, you’re not just supporting learners to achieve their aspirations and develop the skills they’ll need for the future workforce; you’re also supporting them in coping with the demands of the workplace. But it’s really important to look after your own mental health and wellbeing too. The Education & Training Foundation and Education Support have put together a toolkit of resources that are deemed helpful and informative for Further Education staff.

Bromley Changes - Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service

The service provides free support and advice, group work with other young people, one-to-one sessions, harm reduction service and a family and carer support service. Email: Phone: 0208 289 1999

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Specialist and Complex Needs Resources

Autism Diagnostic Pathways in Bromley

The Bromley All-Age Autism Board and Partnership recognised that for many young people, parents and families, the journey towards an official diagnosis can be confusing. The below guide has been developed to help parents and education colleagues understand and navigate the system and to explain the different ways in which children and young people can be referred for a diagnostic assessment in Bromley.

Autism and Anxiety

Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried about sitting an exam, or having a medical test. During times like these, feeling anxious can be perfectly normal. But some people find it hard to control their worries and their feelings of anxiety are more constant and can often affect their daily lives. Research suggests that some anxiety disorders are very common in autistic people. It is unclear exactly how many autistic people have significant levels of anxiety.

Brain in Hand gives easy access to personalised support from an app on your phone. It’s packed with features to help you remember activities, reduce anxiety and feel supported. You can buy Brain in Hand directly from the Brain in Hand website, or download a demonstration of the app from the Google Play or Apple Store first. Alternatively it is available through schemes including Access to Work for those starting work. University students can fund Brain in Hand through their Disabled Students Allowance, while schools can support students to fund Brain in Hand via Education Health and Care Plans, or it can be included in your personal budget support plan.

Molehill Mountain is a free app available through the Google Play and Apple store, designed specifically for individuals on the autistic spectrum to support them in understanding and self-managing their anxiety.

Understanding Autism

MindEd has provided a recorded a free webinar for all education settings to better understand Autism. The webinar is available here (press play, then continue to view the slideshow - you can also download it as a PDF).

Bromley Communication Champions & Autism Champions Padlet

The Autism Padlet provides SENCOs and Autism Champions with a comprehensive suite of resources to support the identification of social communication differences and implementation of effective interventions as part of the SEN Graduated Approach, alongside access to online autism training. Autism Padlet Resources are also available for other high-incidence special educational needs and English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities - Mental Health Support Available

This introduction to understanding mental health in children and young people with learning disabilities, from the Mental Health Foundation, is supported by a range of different resources that may be useful for all those working with children and young people with learning disabilities. The downloadable PDF includes details of different programmes that support mental health, as well as practical resources that can be used to support children.

SEND - Mentally Healthy Schools

SEND is a broad concept that is defined as children who have a significant difficulty with their learning and need additional support from the school. The below link provides an overview of the legal duties, responsibilities and what schools can do to support these children and young people.

The Bromley SEN Service works in partnership with families, education settings, providers and professionals across education, health and care.

The Local Offer in Bromley

The Bromley Local Offer provide information about local services, support and activities available to families, children and young people aged 0 - 25 years with special educational needs or disabilities.

Bromley SENCO Hub

Bromley’s SENCO Hub aims to provide Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) with the most up-to-date and relevant information and resources to support the development of outstanding provision for all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

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Useful Resources for Parents
