Introduction Of Play Past, present and future


There are a lot of things that can constitute play. Play can range anywhere from painting, games, sports, performing and many more activities. Play has many different qualities and personalities it varies by person. I think that play can differ from other behaviors in various way. It is somthing that we tend to do to keep ones mind going. Although there are several different types of play depending on what exactly one is doing. This course has opened my eyes to how much we use play in our lives. As simple as everyday things we do to things we do for fun. Play is something that is done weather we know it or not. With that beings said I have enjoyed learning about this subject before I would have never realized how play is used.The first two images you see are my past images. Childhood favorites that most kids liked to play. I enjoyed running freely and having fun, I was a kid thats what kids do. My qualities are Inherent Attraction, Continuation Desire and Improvisational Potential. We would always make up different rules everytime we play to change things up. The attraction is what would draw me into want to continue playing all day. As a kid playing is a natural attraction we have all had. I would describe my personalities of play to be kinesthete and competitor. Wanting to always be on the move because I had so much energy to burn. Competing I always want to be number one but who would not. Image three and four the guitar strings and pick and the playstation controller. These are my present images. As an adult I am learning how to play new instruments and also enjoy the play of video games. Diminished consciousness of self and Voluntary are the qualities of these two. I always find myself getting zoned out from being so into learning and playing. Playing a instrument is something I do for the fun of it. Why not expand your horizon of learning new things. My personalites of these two are a collector and explorer. I collect the experience and explore what new things I can learn. Last but not least images five and six are of a concert and studio. My future means a lot to me! Going to school for Audio Engineering is a big part of the play of my future. I would have to say my qualities are Apparently purposeless, Continuation desire and Voluntary. These are things I always dream of as a kid and adult! The desire to do this professionally I know as of even now I will stay awake all night furthering my knowledge. This is something I know I will never in my mind get tired of. My personalities I would have to say are the Artist/Creator, Collector, Director and Storyteller. I love to be creative and invent new things with music. Directing is because I love to be able to call the shots and organize whats going on around me! Storytelling because I absolutely love to tell about all of my different experiences and situations.
Created By
Ebonie Brunson
Created with images by The CJM - "100_2044" • Joe Bain - "Board Games" • joo0ey - "DualShock 3" • frankieleon - "years of lessons" • Jed.Record - "The #INBOUND15 DJ booth keeps the music blasting and energy up as we wait to see Amy Schumer!" • Pinnacle_College - "Music Production Recording Arts"

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