The Lady of the lake By donivin

The lady of the lake is a woman who died while protecting the ones she loved. This story takes place within Camelot during the time of Arthur and Merlin. This lady would appear within a lake with just an arm peaking from the water.

She only shows herself with a mighty enchanted sword within her clutches. This sword is called Excalibur. Legends says that she will only hand the sword to the most purest of hearts who will use the sword for honor and protection.

If someone were to use the sword for evil and not justice then a curse would bestow apon the wielder and she will haunt them and torture them till they die and the sword will return to the lake in which she was killed in.

The last person known to wield this sword was King Arthur himself when he was a young lad and was traveling with his tutor Merlin. They received the sword and ever since then the lady in the lake had never returned..

The End

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