The Barbers Of Beardsgaard

The barbers of Beardsgaard are a special breed indeed. Our attention to detail is legendary among our clients, as well as our love of our craft.

We live and breathe hair (sometimes literally) with the sole purpose of making you look and feel like the best version of yourself

Our standard cuts and beards are easy to wear, easy to style, and easy on the grow out, but if you want to get epic, we will so get epic



We have more barbers these days, but we started out as a two chair mom and pop barbershop in 2014

And the team is growing all the time

We even have some excellent noobs!

Our Dear Departed Zodiac

He's not dead, but he is now a full time world touring musician based out of AZ

We miss his awesome cuts and stupid baby face

But we still keep in touch and follow his band, No Zodiac's adventures

Even when our barbers are gone, they will always be part of the family

The Barbers at Work

Our barbers at work
Don't get up til the cape comes off
Created By
Natalie Beardsgaard

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