Jonathan Toews By:shannon webster

Jonathan Toews

April 29, 1988 (age 28)

Daupin, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Make a wish foundation, Mark Messier NHL leadership award, and Goals for dreams hockey challenge.


Jonathan Toews brought Nicholas out onto the ice before one of the Chicago Blawkhawks practices. Jonathan Toews made Nicholas wish come true by inviting him out as his personal guest and spending one on one time with Nicholas. Nicholas got to met the whole Chicago Blackhawks team. He also got his own stall built in the locker room right next to Jonathan Toews.

The inspiration on this individuals action was that other hockey players or celebrities can also do something so simple to make a child's dreams come true. Jonathan Toews put a big positive impact on Nicholas' life. By Jonathan just spending a few hours it changed this child's life forever. Jonathan Toews also motivated others to do something easy to make someone's day or life better. This also motivated Nicholas to believe that even with his tumor and strabismus he can still do regular children activities.

I think that Jonathan Toews did achieve his desired goal because of what he did for this child. Jonathan Toews showed him that he can do anything doesn't matter what situation he is in. Jonathan Toews also achieved his goal by him feeling so proud of the few hours he spent with this kid and how it affected Nicholas.

Jonathan Toews affected a small group of people such as himself and Nicholas and his family. This opportunity that Nicholas had was a major positive impact on Nicholas' life, this simple activity Jonathan did obviously meant a lot to Nicholas and his family. Nicholas' life is changed forever by spending one day with a fantastic role model. Nicholas and his family are so appreciative that Nicholas got this opportunity. This affected Jonathan himself by doing something so simple that made such a huge affect on this child.

This opportunity changed Nicholas' life by having such a good role model playing a little bit of hockey and taking a few hours out of his day. Nicholas has learned that not everyone will get this opportunity but he isn't special for it. Nicholas has a serious tumor and he has strabismus and at most of the hospitals with children who are very sick they get one wish, which is called make a wish foundation. This changed Nicholas in a good way and it taught him a lot more about hockey and it showed him that celebrities are no different than normal people.

I don't think any of the outcomes were unintentional, Jonathan Toews just wanted to make Nicholas' wish come true and that what he did.

The actions of Jonathan were very significant. The importance that Nicholas has of Jonathan Toews is very significant to Nicholas and to Jonathan. Jonathan is Nicholas' favourite player and he looks up to him a lot And having the opportunity to met and play hockey with him was very significant to Nicholas. This was significant to Jonathan because he wanted to make Nicholas' wish come true and by achieving that it makes Jonathan feel like a big impact on this little boys life.

Jonathan's actions made a turning point. It made a major change on Nicholas' life and it showed public awareness. This showed other celebrities or hockey players to step up like Jonathan did and do something little to make something big out of it.


Jonathan Toews got awarded the Mark Messier nhl leadership because of being recognized of his commitment and him working with charities in his own community. This award is presented to a superior leader in hockey and being a contributing member of society which Jonathan Toews is.

The inspiration and motivation that Jonathan Toews has from this award is that he inspires other hockey players to be like him and do everything that Jonathan did to win this award. This will motivate more hockey players to do more charity work and be more committed leader in hockey.

Jonathan Toews achieved his goal by winning the leadership award.

Jonathan was affected by winning the leadership award. This shows that Jonathan worked very hard to win this award over any other hockey players. Jonathan's charity work and leadership on the ice is what won him this award. As a captain of Chicago Blackhawks his commitment and hard work on the ice has know been awarded even more than just being a captain.


Many nhl players played a charity game against Winnipeg police service patrolman hockey club and all the money that was raised was donated to the children's hospital foundation and the dream factory. The charities received over $80,000 from the sold out crowd, silent auction, and 50/50 draw.

This will inspire other hockey players in the nhl or just in a small community to raise money for charities and it will motivate others to become like these hockey players.

I think that the hockey team Jonathan Toews was on did achieve their goal by donating so much money to the charities and by winning the game. They raised so much money for both of the charities and i think that they went way over their goal for this event.

The kids in the children hospital foundation or the kids in the dream factory will be affected by Jonathan's and the other hockey players action. This also affects Jonathan because of all the charity work he has already done and it will just make him feel like an even better person.

The money raised has changed for the people who are going to be using it because it gives them more opportunities to use the money for their illness or their dream.

Raising this much money is very significant to the charities and the children who need the money for their illnesses.

This brought more public awareness to the sick children and how bad they need the money for treatment and actually how sick they are. It also showed that you can do anything to raise money for different charities.

Created By
Shannon Webster
Created with images by s.yume - "Men's Gold Medal: Canada vs. USA"

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