Laura Sutter “The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”- C.S. Lewis

My Teaching Philosophy

"Ms. Sutter exhibits remarkable competence, poise, and maturity. Her enthusiastic attitude and professional demeanor created a special rapport with both the students and staff members at each school." - C. Kim, University Supervisor
"Laura's ability to connect with the students and her talent at teaching simple concepts, as well as more advanced topics, are both truly superior." - R.Varner, Teaching mentor
"Where the Wild Things Are," interactive story telling center.
Marshmallow Challenge: Students applied their knowledge of shapes to create a structure using only tooth picks and mini marshmallows to try and hold as much weight as possible.

Hands on learning is critical in engaging students and adhering to a variety of learning styles. I take advantage of any opportunity to allow students to apply their knowledge in a meaningful way.

I am a huge promoter of student directed learning in my classroom. By allowing students to have choice and incorporate what is interesting to them, we are allowing them to take ownership of their learning.

"She taught well-planned lessons both in small group and the whole class setting spanning all the subject areas. She was able to keep the students engaged using multiple strategies...I feel Ms. Sutter will be an asset to any school" - R. Murphy, Teaching Mentor



After receiving the Anne Yarrington Scholarship from my high school for aspiring teachers, I enrolled in Rutgers University to pursue my studies in Education. I majored in Psychology with a concentration in early childhood development and minored in Education. I made Dean’s List throughout my academic career, was a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and graduated with Honors. My background in psychology and fieldwork gave me the foundation on which I have built my teaching pedagogy.

Graduate School of Education

During my time in graduate school, I worked closely with a group of future teachers. Through this experience I learned the benefits of collaborating with passionate peers and colleagues.

Volunteer work

Relay For Life, Special's Friends Day, Rutgers Reading Club, CESEP

Working within the community and giving back has always been important to me. It is a philosophy I plan to bring into the classroom, because as teachers we are not just instructing students but citizens who are apart of a greater community. It is my hope as a teacher to create student success by promoting critical thinking skills and civic engagement.

Creative pursuits

Some pieces from my art portfolio.

Though not formally trained, I like to incorporate my passion for art and creativity into my classroom.

Contact Information

Please contact me at

Created By
Laura Sutter

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