Adolf Hitler My Special Someone

Adolf Hitler was a special little man. Standing at 5'4" and weighing around 140lbs, he controlled germany., and more importantly... My Heart. Adolf was a person who loved nature and more importantly, Flowers. Here is his favorite flower.

Hilter liked this flower because it reminded him of his wife
Here is picture of the flowers that reminded him of his Grandmother

Adolf was also a man of many scents. Candles werent good enough for him. Thats why he took an army and fought other armies with his. And to think, he only made an army to smell amazing. Here is his favorite scent.

Hitlers first fire
These are barrels of explosives that Hitler like to set off so he could smell the gun powder

Adolf Hitler was also one of the most sentimental people to ever live. He tresured his tools, army, guns, explosives, and lastly his most special items was his surenge. This surenge got him out of the biggest troubles of his life. Here it is today, before your eyes.

Adolf's favorite way of getting out of sticky siguations
This was Hitler's Favorite toy

Adolf Hitler was also a very stylish man. Whering only top of the line clothes. No im not talking about Gucci. Im talking about Military. Here is some of his best and stylish clothes.

The first time Hitler became a nazi
First time Hitler was Promoted

Finally, we present this alter with the giving of the sugar skulls and the bread. Fun Fact, hitler actually ate bread only a few times in his life because of how poor his family was.

Created with images by Alpat - "War Ted Paterson 021 As Adolf Hitler at Sea" • mripp - "Solo" • Imahinasyon Photography - "Dandelion" • ۞DLB۞ - "Smoke" • Graham S Dean Photography - "Kent (26)" • .v1ctor Casale. - "Syringe" • Pranavian - "Ultimatum" • tsuacctnt - "Dead Monkey Bread"

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